Standards News Archives

293 Standards open-source and Linux related news articles on Phoronix since 2006.

NVMe 2.1 Specifications Published With New Capabilities
NVMe 2.1 Specifications Published With New Capabilities

As part of the Flash Memory Summit this week, the NVMe 2.1 specifications were published today including the NVMe 2.1 Base specification, Command Set specifications (NVM Command Set, ZNS Command Set, Key Value Command Set), Transport specifications (PCIe Transport, Fibre Channel Transport, RDMA Transport and TCP Transport) and the NVMe Management Interface specification.

6 August 2024 - NVMe 2.1 - 7 Comments
oneAPI-Focused UXL Foundation Now Collaborating With The Khronos Group
oneAPI-Focused UXL Foundation Now Collaborating With The Khronos Group

Last year it was announced that Intel's oneAPI software initiative evolved into the UXL Foundation for making compute accelerators more open as well as opening things up to more cross-vendor collaboration and adoption. Intel started the Unified Acceleration Foundation with the Linux Foundation, Google, Arm, Qualcomm, Samsung, and others. Announced today is that the UXL Foundation has begun collaborating with The Khronos Group.

10 June 2024 - UXL Foundation + Khronos - 15 Comments
AMD & Intel Team Up For UALink As Open Alternative To NVIDIA's NVLink
AMD & Intel Team Up For UALink As Open Alternative To NVIDIA's NVLink

It's rare for an advanced media briefing to involve representatives from both AMD and Intel, but that happened yesterday. AMD and Intel along with Broadcom have formed the Ultra Accelerator Link "UALink" as a new open standard they are hoping to use to take on NVIDIA's proprietary NVLink interface.

30 May 2024 - Ultra Accelerator Link - 19 Comments
More Organizations Join The Ultra Ethernet Consortium, v1.0 Spec In Q3
More Organizations Join The Ultra Ethernet Consortium, v1.0 Spec In Q3

Announced last summer was the Ultra Ethernet Consortium started by the Linux Foundation along with AMD, Intel, Cisco, Meta, Microsoft, Broadcom, and other organizations. Ultra Ethernet aims for high performance networking for the likes of AI and HPC. The group announced today they've courted an additional 45 organizations to become members of this consortium and they are on track for their v1.0 specification in Q3.

19 March 2024 - Ultra Ethernet - 11 Comments
PoCL 5.0 Released With Transparent OpenCL Over Networked Systems Capability
PoCL 5.0 Released With Transparent OpenCL Over Networked Systems Capability

PoCL 5.0 has been officially released as the latest version of this "Portable Computing Language" implementation that provides OpenCL support for CPU-based execution as well as various other LLVM-based hardware back-ends like for NVIDIA PTX and oneAPI Level Zero. With PoCL 5.0 is also a new experimental back-end for targeting OpenCL support distributed across networked systems.

19 December 2023 - PoCL 5.0 - 3 Comments
Khronos Developing SYCL SC For Safety-Critical C++ Heterogeneous Compute
Khronos Developing SYCL SC For Safety-Critical  C++ Heterogeneous Compute

The SYCL single-source C++ based programming model has begun taking off with Intel investing in it heavily as part of their oneAPI / DPC++ compiler stack and a variety of different open-source projects bringing SYCL to the likes of AMD and NVIDIA GPUs, CPU-based OpenMP implementations, SYCL to Vulkan, and more for heterogeneous compute needs. The Khronos Group announced today they have begun working on SYCL SC as a safety-critical variant of this heterogeneous compute programming model.

15 March 2023 - SYCL SC - 16 Comments
hipSYCL Becomes Open SYCL For Targeting All Major CPUs & GPUs
hipSYCL Becomes Open SYCL For Targeting All Major CPUs & GPUs

The past few years there has been hipSYCL as an open-source project for not only taking SYCL codes to Radeon ROCm with HIP but also NVIDIA CUDA and other targets. The hipSYCL project has now decided to rename itself to Open SYCL to reflect its broader focus on supporting CPUs and GPUs from all major vendors and not being limited to just AMD's HIP interface.

10 February 2023 - Open SYCL - 5 Comments
PoCL 3.1 Released - Improved SPIR-V For CPU & CUDA Drivers, WIP Vulkan Driver
PoCL 3.1 Released - Improved SPIR-V For CPU & CUDA Drivers, WIP Vulkan Driver

PoCL 3.1 is out today as the newest feature update to the "Portable Computing Language" that is effectively a portable OpenCL implementation that originally began focused on being a CPU-based implementation of OpenCL and has grown to support additional back-end drivers via LLVM for targeting NVIDIA CUDA, an experimental Vulkan driver, and other accelerator targets.

5 December 2022 - PoCL 3.1 - Add A Comment
DisplayPort 2.1 Spec Published - All DP 2.0 Devices Compatible

VESA today announced the publishing of the DisplayPort 2.1 specification. As a pleasant change, VESA has been working behind the scenes to see that all DisplayPort 2.0 certified products are actually forward-compatible with this more strict DisplayPort 2.1 specification.

17 October 2022 - DisplayPort 2.1 - 14 Comments
PoCL 3.0 Released With Minimal OpenCL 3.0 Implementation For CPUs
PoCL 3.0 Released With Minimal OpenCL 3.0 Implementation For CPUs

PoCL 3.0 has been formally released today for this portable OpenCL implementation that supports execution on CPUs or other back-ends by way of LLVM such as for targeting AMD HSA, NVIDIA GPUs, and other accelerators. With PoCL 3.0 comes initial OpenCL 3.0 support while the actual conformance results are still pending.

10 June 2022 - PoCL 3.0 - 12 Comments
Fragment Shading Rate Extension Comes To OpenGL ES

Since 2020 the Vulkan API has offered a fragment shading rate extension for allowing games to provide higher levels of detail in a scene compared to other less important areas of the screen. Desktop OpenGL has also offered a fragment shading rate extension while this week a similar extension has been added for OpenGL ES.

2 June 2022 - GL_EXT_fragment_shading_rate - Add A Comment
W3C Posts Initial WebAssembly 2.0 Working Drafts
W3C Posts Initial WebAssembly 2.0 Working Drafts

WebAssembly as the W3C standard for a portable binary-code format for executable programs on the web and elsewhere continues seeing exciting new use-cases for speedy web applications and even desktop purposes. This open standard continues advancing though and the first public working drafts of WebAssembly 2.0 were published today.

19 April 2022 - WebAssembly 2.0 Public Working Drafts - 27 Comments
Khronos Establishing A Camera API Working Group

In recent years The Khronos Group has been expanding a lot and forming a number of new open industry standards around 3D commerce, analytics rendering, and more. The latest is Khronos now establishing a Camera API working group.

19 January 2022 - Camera API - 14 Comments
Apple Patents Complicating W3C's Open Screen Protocol

The W3C has been working on the "Open Screen Protocol" as part of their Second Screen Working Group. This effort has been about having a web standard so web pages can drive secondary screens to display web content. Unfortunately, the plans are currently being complicated by a number of software patents issued to Apple.

19 August 2021 - Open Screen Protocol - 24 Comments
Microsoft & Others Form The eBPF Foundation

One of the most exciting Linux kernel innovations in recent years has been eBPF for an in-kernel virtual machine allowing sandboxed programs running within the Linux kernel. The Linux Foundation along with Microsoft and other partners are now forming the eBPF Foundation.

12 August 2021 - eBPF Foundation - 47 Comments

293 Standards news articles published on Phoronix.