W3C Posts Initial WebAssembly 2.0 Working Drafts
WebAssembly as the W3C standard for a portable binary-code format for executable programs on the web and elsewhere continues seeing exciting new use-cases for speedy web applications and even desktop purposes. This open standard continues advancing though and the first public working drafts of WebAssembly 2.0 were published today.
The first public working drafts were published today for the WebAssembly 2.0 Core Specification, the updated WebAssembly JavaScript Interface, and the WebAssembly Web API.
Among the finished proposals for WebAssembly 2.0 are fixed-width SIMD, bulk memory operations, reference types, JavaScript's BigInt to WebAssembly i64 support, support for multiple return values, and import/export of mutable globals.
WebAssembly still has in-flight proposals being worked on as well around branch hinting, tail call optimizations, exception handling, a post-MVP Threads feature, relaxed SIMD, and other tentative proposals.
The initial public working drafts for WebAssembly 2.0 can be found on W3.org.
The first public working drafts were published today for the WebAssembly 2.0 Core Specification, the updated WebAssembly JavaScript Interface, and the WebAssembly Web API.
Among the finished proposals for WebAssembly 2.0 are fixed-width SIMD, bulk memory operations, reference types, JavaScript's BigInt to WebAssembly i64 support, support for multiple return values, and import/export of mutable globals.
WebAssembly still has in-flight proposals being worked on as well around branch hinting, tail call optimizations, exception handling, a post-MVP Threads feature, relaxed SIMD, and other tentative proposals.
The initial public working drafts for WebAssembly 2.0 can be found on W3.org.