Warsow 1.0 Is A Nice Game, Decent GL Benchmark

On Friday it was mentioned on Phoronix that Warsow 1.0 would be released on the 28th and it was, as expected.
Among the improvements to the Qfusion engine for Warsow 1.0 include nicer curves/patches, fast and bumpmapped GLSL dynamic lights, changes to VBOs, a built-in GLSL program to render most commonly used Q3A shader stages for better VBO utilization, MD3 and IQM models now use VBOs, model and sound caching, GPU skinning dual quaternions, improved shadow mapping filters, planar shadow improvements, and much more.
Aside from the low-level technical details that excite most Phoronix readers, there's also many improvements to the game assets themselves. There's new audio, optimizations to old maps, re-texturing some maps, and plenty of other changes throughout. A Warsow 1.0 change-log along with some screenshots can be found in this Warsow thread.
The Warsow 1.0 game for Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows can be downloaded from Warsow.net for free.
For those looking to benchmark Warsow, the 1.0 upstream release has already been incorporated into the Phoronix Test Suite. Benchmarking the new release is easy as running phoronix-test-suite benchmark warsow and thanks to OpenBenchmarking.org it will automatically fetch the newest test profile. Should you be interested in benchmarking the older (Warsow v0.6x) version, it's as easy as running phoronix-test-suite benchmark warsow-1.3.3. The test profile details for benchmarking Warsow under Linux and Mac OS X is available from pts/warsow on OpenBenchmarking.org.
There's already some new Warsow 1.0 benchmarks flowing in and more results will be on the way soon for future graphics card reviews, GPU driver comparisons, etc.
Embedded below is the Warsow 1.0 trailer for those who missed it from last Friday's article.