Warsow 1.0 To Be Released Tomorrow

A Warsow developer has emailed in Phoronix to share that Warsow 1.0 is planned for release tomorrow, 28 July. He also seeded some early v1.0 binaries for testing.
Here's the bulk of the message with the key details:
I'd just like to let you guys know, Warsow 1.0 is set to release tomorrow on the 28th. Warsow is a completely free, open source game, for Windows, Mac, and Linux.A trailer for this free and open-source game was also uploaded today to YouTube.
You may have heard of the game before. Its first release was in 2005, and since then, there has been six major version releases. This release jumps from version 0.6 to version 1.0 signifying the game is out of beta, after 7 years of development.
Warsow is a fast paced, deathmatch game. It has your classic things like bunny hopping, rocket jumping, and general mayhem. There's many game modes, including, Bomb & Defuse, CTF, Instagib, and the classic 1v1 Duel.
The big new thing in Warsow 1.0 is the web-side profiles which shows stats, awards, friend lists, match history, and even demo download. There's also many other changes, including a huge amount of polish for those who are familiar with the older versions.
More details will be made available on Saturday.