Photos Of Steamworks On Linux

Yes, finally, it's photographs of Steamworks on Linux.
In particular, it's Steamworks running directly on top of Linux! No Wine is involved. The Linux release happens to be Maemo.
The Steamworks build is codenamed "Lion's Gate Lager" and it's quite a good release.
Get ready...
Well, Steamworks happens to be a local brewery in Vancouver not far from where LinuxCon is taking place. Their beer is good, as is their food, at least the wild salmon (but not as good as in Norway). So yes, it is true, it is Steamworks Lions Gate Lager directly on top of a Nokia N900 running Maemo Linux.
If your hopes were raised thinking this was photos of Valve's Steam game client on Linux, you are out of luck today. There's also Valve's Steamworks, which is their publishing and development suite for the Steam platform. For now you will just need to see the real Steam Linux client screenshots from last year and keep waiting a bit longer for other things to happen. But I can attest the area around Bellevue is nice, as discovered last month along with their bad food.
The "Steamworks on Linux" was just a prelude to some other notes:
- LinuxCon North America 2011 is taking place this week. I will be in Vancouver through Friday morning. Anything of great interest will be covered on Phoronix. For those at the event that don't already know me, just find the one wearing Lederhosens (unwashed, brown looking shorts; i.e. photo from XDS Toulouse) and toe shoes during the day that is my wardrobe, but not for the evening events. I still have yet to find anyone outside of Bavaria/Germany who wears Lederhosens in a casual everyday manner like I, so I am normally easy to spot. You can also contact me or find me via Twitter.
- Public service announcement: is funded entirely by web advertisements. If you are using AdBlock or other methods to prevent the ads being displayed, please white-list It's due to an increasing number of such people blocking ads as to why I am not yet releasing more information on other power regressions and other very interesting articles. Daily now I have begun hearing complaints from a new advertising manager regarding ad impressions / kill AdBlock users. Likewise, I am getting tired of banging out new articles and numerous news items on a daily basis while seeing the AdBlock usage and other leaching mechanisms; as mentioned already, Phoronix has been on the block.
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