Wayland 1.6 Is Under Planning For Release

Pekka wrote, "in the release announcement of 1.5.0 it was said that the alpha release towards 1.6 should come out mid-August. That time is now, so how about we target Friday, Aug 22nd? I know the review process has been lagging behind badly, and we probably won't see e.g. IVI-shell merged for 1.6, but I try to do what I can."
Pekka also pointed out that the Wayland 1.5.1 release is also way past due. "Also, it was said that 1.5.1 should have come out in "a few weeks" and it has been 3 months now. I will try and check the patches already in 'master' of both Wayland and Weston and pick them to the 1.5 branches, but if you know of patches that should be in stable, especially ones without review or not in 'master', let me know and I try do something. My selection, especially for Wayland, will probably be very conservative, though, as my priority is 1.6."
It's been a while since hearing anything from Kristian Høgsberg, the Wayland creator, with his last Wayland mailing list post being from June, so it's good that other collaborators are working to pick up the slack. Wayland 1.6 doesn't look like it will be particularly exciting with the IVI Shell not being ready and several of Pekka's additions not being ready like a presentation extnesion, a new repaint scheduling algorithm, DRM universal planes / nuclear page-flipping, Linux DMA-BUF protocol work, and other changes through his work at Collabora. It's also not clear yet whether the XDG-Shell work will be ready for graduating into Wayland itself from Weston or if it will be delayed to Wayland 1.7 with these other features.
Another item up for discussion is whether libinput will be the default for input handling or if that will be staved off a release as well. At least though there's many fixes and other minor work to be found in Wayland 1.6 and Weston 1.6.
Those interested in finding out more about the Wayland 1.6 planning can follow this mailing list thread.