Wine 3.0 Still Expected Around EOY With D3D11; Wayland & D3D12 On Roadmap

Since the Wine 2.0 release almost one year ago, the Wine project has shifted to annual, time-based releases. We've been expecting Wine 3.0 around the end of 2017 or early 2018 and that still looks like it will be the case. Julliared reaffirmed plans for shipping Wine 3.0 around the end of the year.
Wine 3.0 should include its working Direct3D 11 support as a big benefit for newer games, the initial Vulkan bits that we have seen used for DOOM and other games, the merging of Direct3D command stream support (D3D CSMT) for better gaming performance, the initial Android driver support, message mode pipes, and the base reported Windows version should indicate "Windows 7."
While further out on the roadmap but not for completing in time for Wine 3.0 is fully supporting OpenGL core contexts, native Wayland support for Wine, Direct3D 12 support that's backed by Vulkan, and Android packaging to make it easy to deploy Wine on Android.
Alexandre's keynote is from WineConf 2017 is embedded below. More conference details at the WineHQ Wiki.