MozJPEG Is Evolving Well For Better Optimized JPEGs

Mozilla developers have been working hard on their own JPEG encoding library dubbed "MozJPEG" and it's been progressing very well with offering improved better compression ratios while remaining standards compliant.
MozJPEG 3.0 is around the corner and it improves JPEG encoding even more. Kornel LesiĆski has written about some of the work that's happened for MozJPEG 3.0 including cleaner black-on-white text and lines, a common future-proof API to share with libjpeg-turbo, etc. For those wishing to learn more about MozJPEG in its latest state, see Kornel's blog post.
MozJPEG 3.0 should be here soon but for now you can checkout the latest code via Mozilla's MozJPEG on GitHub.