GNOME Launches GBeers Initiative

There's now GBeers, a world-wide initiative for GNOME meet-ups that has lightning talk presentations while drinking beer. The GNOME project is encouraging users and developers to organize GBeers in your own city; the first GBeers happened recently in Madrid, Spain.
The proposed format of GBeers events are one hour of lightning talks, possible recording of lightning talks for Internet distribution, unrestricted topics, and a monthly frequency. There's also the possibility of virtual GBeers through Skype or Google hang-outs.
Among the GBeers so far that have been organized include Madrid, Las Palmas, A Coruña, Sevilla, and Lima. For more information on this exciting GNOME initiative, read GNOME + Beers = GBeers. GBeers details are being organized on the GNOME Live Wiki.
Now if only GNOME had its own beer... OpenSUSE has its own beer, there's also Linux distributions described in terms of beer, but perhaps it's about time for an offbeat article to describe the different Linux desktop choices in terms of different beers/breweries.