Zink OpenGL-On-Vulkan Sees More Performance Tuning, Regression Fixing

In particular, Blumenkrantz has spent time looking at differences in the performance results for the ET: Legacy and BioShock Infinite games where the RadeonSI driver was the clear favorite over Zink.
The BioShock Infinite performance was found to be regressed since last month due to a merge request trying to fix uncached memory readbacks. He's since fixed that last week in Mesa 23.2-devel to check for the cached memory correctly when mapping a buffer.
The ET: Legacy performance was a bit trickier but with profiling he discovered some Zink bottlenecks. With a few tweaks he's managed around a 10% improvement for ET: Legacy though RadeonSI is still leading on his system by about 14%.
More details on this latest round of optimizing for the Zink OpenGL-on-Vulkan Mesa driver via Mike's blog.