Wine 5.7 Released With More Progress On D3D Vulkan Backend, USB Device Driver

As reported a few days ago, there has been progress on the WineD3D Vulkan back-end for allowing D3D9/D3D10/D3D11 calls to go through Vulkan rather than OpenGL. It's similar aim to DXVK but not nearly as mature. The Vulkan support for WineD3D is still being brought up and isn't yet ready for end-users/gamers but progress is being made.
Another significant step forward -- and also previously covered on Phoronix as soon as the work was merged -- is better USB device support. The start of this USB device driver is still early but hopefully will come together for Wine 6.0 considering the heavy lifting is being done by libusb.
Wine 5.7 additionally updates its Mono engine against 5.0.0 upstream, supports building with Clang in the MSVC code, built-in modules no longer depend upon the libwine library, and support for configuring the Windows version from the command line.
As usual, Wine 5.7 as the new development release and stable releases can be found up on