Scientific Linux Marches On While CentOS 6 Is Still M.I.A.

Troy Dawson of the Scientific Linux project announced yesterday the second alpha release of Scientific Linux 6.1. "All of the packages have gone through much more testing. There are still a couple of packages we are investigating, so we are still in Alpha stage and not Beta stage."
The release announcement of Scientific Linux 6.1 Alpha 2 can be read here. Will Scientific Linux 6.1 be officially released even before CentOS 6.0 makes it out the door? Scientific Linux 6.1 still needs to go through its beta process, but after repeated delays it looks like CentOS-6 may finally be tipping up.
According to the CentOS 6.0 QA calendar, the quality assurance sign-off for the 6.0 ISO images is supposed to take place today. If that goes well, the calendar shows the sync process beginning to internal mirrors followed by syncing to external mirrors beginning next week. A blog post by Karanbir Singh indicated that a CentOS 6.1 release could come a few weeks after CentOS 6.0 being officially released, but no dates for that are yet on the calendar.