Linux Game Publishing Is Still M.I.A.

At the start of October is when their only web server had failed and at the same time their backup system evidently failed as well. They expected to be back online within a few days, but according to their reports, the server housing their web-sites, online store, and Digital Rights Management system for their recent Linux game ports had more troubles. Their consumer-grade Western Digital Serial ATA hard drive powering all of this had died and apparently suffered from firmware corruption, chemical degradation, and file-system damage. Plus there were more "unforeseen issues" reported in the last update on 23 November.
At least their DRM system is back online, but there's no word when,, and their other still-offline assets will be restored. LGP has not responded to our inquiries as of yet. We're also still wondering whether work is underway on their unannounced titles of games they are porting to Linux.
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