RAD Game Tools To Take On Linux Debuggers

Jeff Roberts of RAD Game Tools initially Tweeted on Wednesday, "Do you like Linux? Debugging tech? RAD needs hackers - drop me an email or DM if you want to talk..."
Roberts then followed up with another Tweet, "To be more clear: RAD is looking for developers to write debuggers. We are working on lldb on Linux currently..."
LLDB is the very-interesting LLVM-based debugger that has grown of more use to Linux developers in recent months.
Based upon RAD Game Tools other products, they will likely be looking to develop their own Linux-supported commercial debugger for professional game developers. With LLVM's BSD-style license, they would be able to leverage LLDB and extend it for their purposes.
This news is significant in that RAD Game Tools is quite well respected in the game development industry with having successful products, has connections to Valve Software, and all around should be quite good for the Linux game development community.
More news on the company can be found at RADGameTools.com.