GNOME Foundation Planning For More Initiatives In 2021

The GNOME Foundation is calling for more donations ahead of the 2020 holiday season. Over the course of 2020 they used previously raised funds for:
GTK4 development;
Technical and infrastructure support for;
Our legal case against Rothschild Patent Imaging, a patent assertion entity;
GUADEC, GNOME.Asia, GNOME Onboard Africa Virtual, and the Linux App Summit;
Hackfests, including accessibility and GTK hackfests at FOSDEM;
A supported instance of video chat software Big Blue Button for GNOME and free software community use;
Two internships through Outreachy; and
Community and staff training to make the community more welcoming and safe for everyone.
Looking ahead to 2021, there is going to be the long-awaited release of GTK4 as well as GNOME 40. Over the next year the GNOME Foundation is looking to spend donor funds on:
Organize GUADEC, GNOME.Asia, Pan African GNOME Summit, and the Linux App Summit;
Host virtual social events at conferences like FOSDEM;
Have hackfests for teams and working groups across the project;
Progress on the Community Engagement Challenge, including announcing the winners at GUADEC 2021;
Lead in technical and infrastructure development, including more services for the community;
Release two more GNOME editions;
Find more opportunities to push forward smaller projects within the GNOME ecosystem;
Hire more interns for paid internships in free software;
Provide financial and logistical support for people speaking at conferences and participating in events on behalf of GNOME; and
Launch new initiatives, including Faces of GNOME, web site updates, new swag, and increased conference participation.
More details on their current year and planning for 2021 via