Wine 5.10 Starts Work On A Unix Library For NTDLL, More WineD3D Vulkan

Wine 5.10 continues the recent trend of bringing up the Vulkan back-end for WineD3D for this Direct3D 9/10/11 implementation to allow it to run atop Vulkan rather than needing to map it over OpenGL. With Wine 5.10 more functionality is in place but doesn't appear to be good yet for gamers compared to the OpenGL code-path or most notably the out-of-tree DXVK project providing great Direct3D 9/10/11 support over Vulkan and is what is notably used at the moment by Steam Play (Proton).
Wine 5.10 also has started working on a separate Unix library for NTDLL, better support for anti-cheat kernel drivers (for the likes of Denuvo), support for DSS private keys, ARM64 exception handling fixes, and around 47 bug fixes. The bug fixes include implementing many functions needed for Denuvo anti-cheat and a variety of game/app-specific fixes.
More details on Wine 5.10 via