Qt 5.12 Alpha Released With OpenGL ES 3.1 Renderer, Several Wayland Improvements

Some of the highlights coming for Qt 5.12 include:
- Qt 3D now has OpenGL ES 3.1 renderer support along with other improvements, including performance optimizations.
- The Qt Wayland Compositor now supports XDG-Shell stable and XDG-Decoration-Unstable-V1 for server-side window decorations. The default window decorations should also now "look nicer" with Qt 5.12.
- Qt QML's JavaScript engine now supports ECMAScript 7.
- Qt WebEngine is upgraded against Chromium 69.
- An extension interface has been added to the Qt Virtual Keyboard to allow others to create new input methods, features, and languages.
- Windows support improvements from Windows UI Automation support in WinRT QPA to improved input handling for Windows 8+.
- DTLS over UDP support within Qt Network.
- ALPN and HTTP/2 negotiation is added to the Security Transport back-end along with re-negotiation support.
- Various additions to Qt Quick and Qt Quick Controls 2.
- Client SSL certificate support within Qt WebEngine.
- Qt Remote Objects are now fully supported.
The first Qt 5.12 beta is expected to come in early October while the final release had been scheduled for the end of November, but the current release schedule is running about one month behind... Toss Christmas and New Year's Eve in there and it's likely Qt 5.12.0 might not ship until early 2019.
The Qt 5.12 Alpha release details can be found at qt.io.