The Desura Linux Game Client Is Soon To Be Ready

It sounds like the Linux client may even be released in just a matter of a few weeks, "You might also be interested to know that at the moment it's 8:30pm (+0800 hours GMT), and I'm on a plane to Melbourne to spend the next few weeks in the office with the others to get the Linux port finished and out to you users!"
There's also a number of screenshots of Desura running atop Ubuntu, with the user-interface looking quite nice at this point for being not yet polished. Initially Desura will be distributed as just a Linux binary, without any packaging. Following the initial push, the developers will attempt to get Desura into the Ubuntu Software Center and other distribution repositories that allow binary packages. This client is being built for 32-bit Linux, but a 64-bit binary is not out of the question.
While the distribution client is getting in shape, Desura developers are still working on making games download and actually install, among other items.
See the previous Desura Linux client update and the original screenshot from May.