OpenSUSE 13.1 Goes Into Beta With Linux 3.11

Along with the Linux 3.11 kernel and Mesa 9.2.0, some other notable packages that got upgraded at the last minute were LLVM/Clang 3.3, systemd 207, PHP 5.4.19, BlueZ 5, Wine 1.7, Samba 4.1, KDE SC 4.11.1, and Amarok 2.8.
OpenSUSE 13.1 has mostly brought a wide assortment of package updates and other small changes though internally it's notable for switching to a Ruby-based version of YaST.
The plan in pushing openSUSE 13.1 out the door is to do two release candidates in October followed by the final release in mid-November (19 November). More details on today's beta release can be found at