FreeBSD Completes Its Transition From Subversion To Git For Development
The past several days FreeBSD has been working to complete its migration from their development being done with Subversion to instead using the Git distributed revision control system as used by most other open-source projects.
FreeBSD's transition from Subversion to Git is now complete. The migration was completed yesterday and new code is now flowing into its main Git repository.
Those curious about this long overdue conversion for FreeBSD from SVN to Git can be found via the FreeBSD Wiki but long story short they are now finally onto using Git.
FreeBSD's transition from Subversion to Git is now complete. The migration was completed yesterday and new code is now flowing into its main Git repository.
Those curious about this long overdue conversion for FreeBSD from SVN to Git can be found via the FreeBSD Wiki but long story short they are now finally onto using Git.