FreeBSD Ended 2015 With A Lot Of Open-Source Progress

Highlights for FreeBSD in Q4'2015 included:
- Support for FreeBSD ARM on the Banana Pi, Cubie Board, and Cubie Board 2.
- Evaluating whether to accept GPLv3 licensed code into their source repository.
- The CAM I/O scheduler continues to advance, hopefully in time for FreeBSD 11.
- The FreeBSD graphics stack was updated to Mesa 11.0.8 and X.Org Server 1.17.4. An updated i915 KMS driver is also expected to soon land.
- UEFI bugs were fixed.
- Sendfile improvements, as previously covered on Phoronix.
- ARMv6 hard-float is now the default ABI for that architecture.
- FreeBSD on ARM64/AArch64 continues making progress.
- FreeBSD has begun work on supporting the RISC-V architecture.
- LLVM's LLDB debugger is now enabled by default on x86_64/AMD64 and ARM64 architectures.
- KDE, Xfce, and LXQt desktop packaging improvements.
- Other Ports updates.
More details can be found via the quarterly report in full posted to
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