DXVK 1.8.1 Released With More Performance, Game Fixes

DXVK 1.8.1 is out as the newest stable release for driving Direct3D 9/10/11 over Vulkan for helping Wine / Proton (Steam Play) Windows games often run incredibly well on Linux. With DXVK 1.8.1 the changes include:
- Fixed a regression that would cause a number of D3D9 games to crash when changing the resolution or during startup.
- Improved performance in many D3D9 games when using MSAA on RADV.
- Improved presentation logic for MSAA swap chains, which are common in older D3D9 games.
- Mafia II: Work around shadows being broken when the game thinks it's running on an AMD GPU.
- Warhammer Online: Work around the game trying to use unsupported image formats.
Not bad for a quick release hot off DXVK 1.8. Source downloads of DXVK via GitHub while ideally the next Proton / Steam Play update should be out soon for delivering this update to Steam Linux gamers.