AMDGPU-PRO 17.40 Yields Huge Speed-Up For Radeon Mining Performance

What a great success from AMD! Going from 17.30 to 17.40 mining beta results in 550% higher performance. Going from 1 DIMM RAM for the Threatripper 1920X to two DIMMs results in 216% higher performance,
After my first two articles, the failure story turns into a success story.
The 1920X Threadripper jumps from ~600H/s to ~1300H/s with a second RAM DIMM in Monero. And the six AMD Radeon RX VEGA 64 with the newest AMDGPU-PRO 17.40 Mining Beta driver jump from average ~33Mh/s to 180 MH/s in a twenty-four hour test run.
The money output jumped from 45€ in my first article thanks to Monero/XMR to 90€ in my second article and now I do have an awesome 310€ money output per month thanks to the 17.40 driver.
I also want to show the last hardware piece of my 2 mining PCs;
Intel SSD 600p 256GB, M.2 (SSDPEKKW256G7X1). For the ~100€ price the Intel 600P was a really awesome performance data - read: 1570MB/s • write: 540MB/s • IOPS 4K read/write: 71k/112k It is really the fastest SSD I have ever touched.
But it will become even better because I ordered 5 more DDR4 RAM DIMMS to show the full performance of my both Threadripper CPUs the 1900X and 1920X without the bottleneck problem of only using one RAM DIMM per PC.
I also order a power meter next week so I can finally show some performance per Watt numbers.
I also want to say something about it is really one of the best Ethereum mining pools! The statistical data showed in the picture are really professional.
Details on installing the AMDGPU-PRO 17.40 driver and enabling the large page (2MB fragment size) support can be found via