AMD Sends In Bits Of New Hardware Blocks For Linux 5.18 Radeon Updates
This second feature pull request for AMDGPU/AMDKFD/Radeon updates going to DRM-Next ahead of Linux 5.18 isn't as exciting as last week's overall but does contain some notable items. This pull request has fixes to the SR-IOV code, RAS, RDNA2 SMU correction,s updates for the Cyan Skillfish APU, ASPM handling is corrected, and other fixes....
Plus there is support for updated hardware blocks including GC 10.3.6, GC 10.3.7, SDMA 5.2.7, and DCN 3.1.6. This doesn't sound exciting but is for future hardware support. As I wrote earlier on Friday, AMD Quietly Working On New Linux GPU Driver Support Block By Block. This pull request has some of those new versions for graphics, SDMA, and DCN display engines. Expect more new AMD Radeon graphics IP blocks to be introduced over the coming weeks/months as we work towards RDNA3 in the latter half of the year.
The new hardware enablement path moving forward is going to be more about exposing individual new versions of IP blocks rather than big monolithic patch series headlined by a colorful fishy codename. See AMD Quietly Working On New Linux GPU Driver Support Block By Block for more details.
As part of AMD's new IP-based discovery approach, this pull request also exposes the discovered IP topology now via sysfs. That information is to be exposed under the new /sys/class/drm/card0/device/ip_discovery/ directory. This will show discovered hardware IDs, major/minor version numbers, and other details about each detected IP block.
See this pull request with the full list of this week's AMD Radeon graphics feature patches destined for Linux 5.18. With Linux 5.17-rc5 due out tomorrow, DRM feature intended for Linux 5.18 will begin settling down over the next week.