Unexpected Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS Coming Due To APT Security Issue
No further point releases to Ubuntu 16.04 LTS had been planned, but in light of the recent APT vulnerability, Canonical has decided to issue an Ubuntu 16.04.6 update that will be hitting the mirrors soon.
Last month an APT package manage vulnerability was exposed that could make Debian-based distributions open to man-in-the-middle attacks and end up installing rogue packages. Debian and Ubuntu have been quick to address this issue and now Ubuntu 16.04.6 is on the way to help tighten up those running the Xenial Xerus.
There is now release candidate images available for testing of Ubuntu 16.04.6. The official release of Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS should be out after the RC images have been successfully validated. Of course, if you are already running Ubuntu 16.04 you can also just ensure you have all available system updates installed, which should be part of your daily routine these days considering all of the security vulnerabilities coming to light.
Last month an APT package manage vulnerability was exposed that could make Debian-based distributions open to man-in-the-middle attacks and end up installing rogue packages. Debian and Ubuntu have been quick to address this issue and now Ubuntu 16.04.6 is on the way to help tighten up those running the Xenial Xerus.
There is now release candidate images available for testing of Ubuntu 16.04.6. The official release of Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS should be out after the RC images have been successfully validated. Of course, if you are already running Ubuntu 16.04 you can also just ensure you have all available system updates installed, which should be part of your daily routine these days considering all of the security vulnerabilities coming to light.