SUSE+NVIDIA Makes The Graphics Binary Driver Easier To Deploy On Tumbleweed

Longtime X.Org developer Stefan Dirsch at SUSE has announced the availability of NVIDIA graphics driver RPMs for Tumbleweed. Via adding a new Tumbleweed repository hosted on, Zypper can easily fetch the latest packages. DKMS is being used to rebuilt the NVIDIA kernel driver for each upgrade, which hopefully will go fine considering how frequently it's updated in Tumbleweed land. Also, Tumbleweed has switched to using GLVND -- the OpenGL Vendor Neutral Dispatch Library, to allow multiple Linux OpenGL drivers to co-exist happily on the same system.
Currently the NVIDIA 384.59 driver is in this repository, which is good through at least Linux 4.13. If you have a GeForce/Quadro/Tesla card in your Tumbleweed box, learn more via opensuse-factory.