Partnering Up For Ubuntu Live, OSCON

Ubuntu Live 2007 was a truly great event and among the best Linux events we have covered. O'Reilly had also done a splendid job managing the event itself. There was actually a surplus of power connections in the seating area (which is so very rare!) and the WiFi hadn't struggled. Today we're pleased to say that we've teamed up with O'Reilly again this year to be media partners for Ubuntu Live 2008 as well as OSCON 2008.
Ubuntu Live 2008 takes place July 21 and July 22 at the Oregon Convention Center. Among the speakers this year are Jono Bacon, Mark Shuttleworth, Bradly Kuhn, and others. Virtualization, desktop technologies, server technologies, and Launchpad are among the many topics to be discussed this year. At this event you'll be able to learn more about Ubuntu 8.10, the Intrepid Ibex, and perhaps some early details surrounding Ubuntu 9.04.
More information on Ubuntu Live 2008 can be found on the O'Reilly website. If you decided to head on over to Portland for Ubuntu Live 2008, be sure to use the code ubu08phx and it will save you 15% off the conference fees!
OSCON is taking place from July 21 to July 25 at the same location. At OSCON (Open Source Convention) will be everything from tutorials on programming in Vim to mastering PERL. In total there are over 400 sessions with over 40 tutorials. This will be the first time Phoronix is covering this event, and we look forward to it.
More information on the Open Source Convention can be found on the O'Reilly website. If you use the code of os08phr you'll save 15% off your conference registration. See you in Portland in July!
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