Mesa Is At Nearly 1,500 Commits This Year

As of this morning, there's been 69,102 total commits to Mesa from 683 authors. The code-base is at 1.493 million lines of code. So far this year there's been just under 1,500 commits.
There's been 1,480 commits exactly year-to-date. While that may seem like a lot, for Q1'2014 was 1,748 commits in total. In Q4'2014 there were 1,469 commits. In other words, it's roughly in line with earlier quarters and nothing too exciting one way or the other.
The most prolific authors each month so far were Jason Ekstrand, Brian Paul, and Emil Velikov. Other top contributors were Jose Fonseca, Francisco Jerez, Eric Anholt, Chia-I Wu, and Marek Olsak. Overall for 2015 the top contributors thus far have been Brian Paul followed by Marek Olsak, Jason Ekstrand, and Matt Turner.
Hopefully in Q2 we'll see more of the necessary GL4 extensions implemented for Mesa to finally enable OpenGL 4.0~4.2 functionality.