Total War: WARHAMMER II Now Available For Linux Gamers, Powered By Vulkan

Total War: WARHAMMER II, the latest in the Total War franchise from Creative Assembly, is now natively available for Linux as well as macOS. Pricing is $59.99 USD via the Feral Store or Steam.
The game debuted for Windows in September of 2017. The Linux port is exclusively powered using the Vulkan graphics API. The Linux system requirements put the GTX 680 or R9 285 as a minimum while they recommend a GeForce GTX 970 or better or Radeon RX 480. The Linux Vulkan driver requirements aren't stiff either at Mesa 18.1.5+ or NVIDIA 396+, but obviously you may find better performance with the newer drivers.
Feral didn't seed early review access to this game for Linux testing, but will be running benchmarks starting today. I know the game though is automated benchmark friendly, so hopefully by tomorrow morning I will have a large AMD/NVIDIA Linux graphics card comparison for this game. Stay tuned for GPU/driver benchmarks for this latest AAA Linux game release!