VKD3D 1.12 Released With Support For Directly Outputting SPIR-V & D3D Shader Assembly

VKD3D 1.12 is out now as the newest release of this Direct3D to Vulkan translation library. There are three key highlights to the new version:
First, VKD3D's High-Level Shading Language (HLSL) compiler is now able to directly output SPIR-V intermediate representation as well as Direct3D shader assembly. SPIR-V, of course, can be consumed by Vulkan and OpenGL drivers. Having this direct output to SPIR-V and D3D shader assembly can be useful for debugging and comparison purposes.
VKD3D 1.12 also brings improved support for Shader Model 1-3 profiles within the HLSL compiler.
Lastly is a rather varied assortment of bug fixes and performance optimizations for bettering this Direct3D support atop Vulkan.
VKD3D 1.12 will be pulled into the upstream Wine software while those wanting to learn more about this new library release can do so via WineHQ.org.