Linux 5.2/5.3 Kernel Performance On The AMD Ryzen 9 3900X
On the same Ryzen 9 3900X system, these three kernel releases (Ubuntu 18.04's stock 4.18 kernel, Linux 5.2 stable, Linux 5.3 Git) were compared across a variety of workloads.
Sans graphics and I/O for any areas explicitly improved upon in recent kernel releases, the CPU performance itself went pretty much unchanged.
Obviously if you are using the open-source Intel/Radeon graphics in particular, I certainly recommend the newest kernel as possible for the updated drivers, but in terms of Zen 2 desktop CPU performance it was largely the same using the stock Ubuntu 18.04 LTS kernel.
Those wanting to look through the dozens of benchmarks individually, they are available via 1907278-HV-3900XLINU13 on
Looking ahead to Linux 5.4 late in 2019, that's where there is the possibility of Zen 2 performance changes due to AMD's new CPPC CPUFreq driver as one performance-sensitive change pending, but we'll see what else comes about and other optimizations now that more Linux developers are getting their hands on these impressive processors.