Krita 4.3 Enters Beta For This Leading Open-Source Digital Painting Application
The first beta of Krita 4.3 is now available for this advanced open-source digital painting software package. Krita 4.3 has been baking for about one year so there is a lot in store.
Krita 4.3 is bringing with it many animation improvements, new filters for palettize and high pass, various fixes to existing filters, better performance out of layer styles, much better RGBA brush handling, multi-dimension export support for GIMP GIH, various color handling improvements, new gradient tool modes, and other tooling improvements.
Download links for Krita 4.3 Beta via More details on the many changes to Krita 4.3 via the in-progress release notes.
Krita 4.3 is bringing with it many animation improvements, new filters for palettize and high pass, various fixes to existing filters, better performance out of layer styles, much better RGBA brush handling, multi-dimension export support for GIMP GIH, various color handling improvements, new gradient tool modes, and other tooling improvements.
Download links for Krita 4.3 Beta via More details on the many changes to Krita 4.3 via the in-progress release notes.