Fwupd 1.7.8 To Further Improve Firmware Updating On Linux
Fwupd 1.7.8 continues with adding support for new hardware, addressing quirks/workarounds with existing supported devices, and a number of other fixes to this open-source firmware updating utility. While Linux has been the main focus of Fwupd, it does work on other platforms too with there having been some BSD work and even Windows.
Fwupd 1.7.8 extends firmware updating support to cover several more PixArt-RF, SPIT PCCAM, and FlatFrog devices. The Fwupd plug-in coverage continues expanding for supporting a vast selection of devices.
Fwupd and LVFS continue supporting more systems from laptops to more recently server motherboards and BMCs as well as a growing number of different peripheral devices for convenient and safe firmware updating on Linux.
Fwupd 1.7.8 also now restarts the baseboard management controllers (BMCs) after applying any BMC firmware updates, safer reading of the Synaptics MST firmware, improved Flashrom BIOS size handling, and a variety of other fixes and enhancements.
Downloads and more details on Fwupd 1.7.8 via GitHub. This Fwupd release comes just weeks after LVFS celebrated delivering more than 52 million firmware files to Linux users.