New Debian TC Members Appointed For Going Past The Systemd Fallout
Last year following Debian's decision to choose systemd as its init manager and then the init coupling vote, there ended up being three resignations from Debian's Technical Committee: Colin Watson, Ian Jackson, and Russ Allbery. Those vacant seats have now been appointed by the existing TC members.
The newly appointed Technical Committee members are Sam Hartman, Tollef Fog Heen, and Didier Raboud. These new members join Bdale Garbee, Don Armstrong, Andreas Barth, Steve Langasek, and Keith Packard for making up the Debian Technical Committee. The Debian Technical Committee as established by the Debian Constitution is responsible for making the final decision on technical disputes within the Debian project, which became very important last year with all of the init system discussions.
The announcement of these new TC appointments can be found on the debian-devel-announce list.
The newly appointed Technical Committee members are Sam Hartman, Tollef Fog Heen, and Didier Raboud. These new members join Bdale Garbee, Don Armstrong, Andreas Barth, Steve Langasek, and Keith Packard for making up the Debian Technical Committee. The Debian Technical Committee as established by the Debian Constitution is responsible for making the final decision on technical disputes within the Debian project, which became very important last year with all of the init system discussions.
The announcement of these new TC appointments can be found on the debian-devel-announce list.