Can Ubuntu 9.10 Outperform Mac OS X 10.6?

Written by Michael Larabel in Operating Systems on 31 August 2009 at 07:00 AM EDT. Page 8 of 10. 76 Comments.

Ubuntu 9.04 was far behind Mac OS X 10.6.0 when it came to the PostgreSQL database performance, but Ubuntu 9.10 jumped well in front of Apple Mac OS X. In large part this is due to EXT4 becoming the default file-system over EXT3 in Ubuntu 9.10, which does bring many performance improvements. Mac OS X 10.6 continues to use the Journaled HFS+ file-system.

Mac OS X 10.6 regressed quite badly in the Sudokut test, and as a result, it is nearly twice as slow as Ubuntu 9.04/9.10 for this Sudoku solver.

Ubuntu 9.10 also did better than Mac OS X 10.6.0 when it came to the Python performance in PyBench.

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