Mozilla Announces "Open Web Docs" Following Last Year's Layoffs

Following those unfortunate layoffs last summer, they exposed all of the Mozilla Developer Network documentation to GitHub. Now they are announcing the Open Web Docs organization.
"Open Web Docs (OWD) is an open collective, created in collaboration between several key MDN partner organizations to ensure the long-term health of open web platform documentation on de facto standard resources like MDN Web Docs, independently of any single vendor or organization. It will do this by collecting funding to finance writing staff and helping manage the communities and processes that will deliver on present and future documentation needs," was written on the Mozilla Hacks blog.
Providing funding for Open Web Docs is Google, Microsoft, and Coil. Mozilla will serve as a member of the Open Web Docs steering committee.
More details on Open Web Docs at
It's still a real shame about Mozilla's layoffs last year and the MDN writers team being axed while hopefully this Open Web Docs effort will be able to long-term fill at least most of that void.