Chrome 79 Beta Adds The WebXR Device API For VR On The Web

The Chrome 79 Beta most notably comes with WebXR Device API support for supporting VR head-mounted displays from the browser. The WebXR Device API will be the cross-browser standard for VR content on the web.
The Chrome 79 Beta also adds auto-focus support for HTML/SVG elements, possible rendering optimizations via the rendersubtree attribute, computing img/video aspect ratios from width or height HTML attributes, font-optical-sizing property support, the CSS line-style-type now allows arbitrary strings to use for list markers, and a variety of other developer additions.
More details on today's Chrome 79 Beta via also provides its usual feature list. Some additional items mentioned there include Web Bluetooth Scanning support for finding Bluetooth LE devices around you, BigInt support for WebAssembly, custom state CSS pseudo class, compression streams, and CSS min/max/clamp functions.