Ubuntu 18.04 LTS vs. Fedora 28 vs. Clear Linux Benchmarks

Written by Michael Larabel in Operating Systems on 4 May 2018 at 02:44 PM EDT. Page 3 of 6. 36 Comments.
Ubuntu 18.04 vs. Fedora 28 vs. Clear Linux System Benchmarks

Clear Linux still only enables the Mesa 3D driver support for Intel graphics hardware, so there are only three-way numbers for the Core i7 8700K Coffeelake system.

Ubuntu 18.04 vs. Fedora 28 vs. Clear Linux System Benchmarks

With the exception of the Ryzen 7 2700X system with RX Vega 64 graphics, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on X.Org was running faster than Fedora 28 with its Wayland-based session using the same GNOME 3.28 environment.

Ubuntu 18.04 vs. Fedora 28 vs. Clear Linux System Benchmarks

The Ubuntu vs. Fedora performance did tighten up with Tesseract.

Ubuntu 18.04 vs. Fedora 28 vs. Clear Linux System Benchmarks
Ubuntu 18.04 vs. Fedora 28 vs. Clear Linux System Benchmarks
Ubuntu 18.04 vs. Fedora 28 vs. Clear Linux System Benchmarks

The results were quite tight with the ParaView data analysis and visualization application.

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