Omega 10 Desktop Linux
The Red Hat community engineer behind the Fedora Games and Fedora Xfce media spins, Rahul Sundaram, had announced the release of Omega 10 Beta this past weekend. Omega is a desktop/mobile Linux distribution that is based upon Fedora but includes packages from the Livna RPM repository. The Omega 10 Beta release is roughly equivalent to the Fedora 10 Beta to be released tomorrow, but integrates multimedia support not found in Fedora along with delivering other added functionality.
Omega 10 Beta includes the VLC, mplayer, and Xine for multimedia playback, which is on top of Totem and Rhythmbox that ship with GNOME in Fedora 10. Additionally, Omega introduces extra GStreamer and Xine codecs that are potentially restricted by patents and as a result aren't available through the Fedora repository. This release is shipping with GNOME 2.23.92, X Server 1.5.0, Firefox 3.0, and the Linux 2.6.27-rc7 kernel.
Essentially, Omega is just a distribution with the Livna repository added in and a few multimedia applications with codecs installed by default. In the event you are interested, the release announcement can be read on the Fedora mailing list.
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