Linux Gamers Are Going Crazy For This New Game

The latest in a slaw of Kickstarter-financed games following the very successful Wasteland 2 project is Carmageddon: Reincarnation. I haven't heard about this title previously until yesterday I began to be carpet-bombed with emails talking about this game possibly coming to Linux.
Right now it's up in the air whether or not this game will come to Linux since they'll only provide the native Linux client should they pull in $600,000 USD in financing. Right now there's $335,155 in crowd-sourced financing available of their $400,000 USD goal and they have 12 days left to completion. If they reach $600,000+, as their first "stretch goal" they will provide a native Linux client. In addition, a Mac OS X version will be worked on too at that same level. Below is the mention of the Linux client from their Kickstarter page.
Yes, it’s our first STRETCH GOAL! Let's get to $600,000!!Carmageddon: Reincarnation is the sequel to the Carmageddon game that was released back in 1997. It basically comes down to an anarchic driving/racing game. This game is set to be powered by their own in-house engine that's dubbed "Beelzebub." Embedded below is also the Kickstarter video for this game.
You’ve ALL been asking… No wait, LOTS OF YOU have been asking if we can commit to bringing Carmageddon: Reincarnation to extra platforms. And two of the most popular requests have been for Mac and Linux versions of the game.
So, we’ve been doing the work here to assess how much it would cost us to port our technology and then the games to these OS’s’s. We’ve rounded down the resulting figure a bit (because it would look strange and untidy otherwise), and today we’re announcing our first STRETCH GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAL, based on that figure. So, we are willing to commit to porting the game to both Mac and Linux, if we reach:
And you’ll just have to take our word for it that it’s a bargain at the price. All our tech, on your Mac thing or Linux device, running Carmageddon: Reincarnation! (Although obviously it’s not such a bargain if only one of you wants it on each platform.) But we believe the market IS there, because you’ve been telling us – and many other developers here on Kickstarter – that it IS!
So, if we reach:
We’ll be committing to supporting Mac and Linux, and you’ll be able to select a version to download at the same $15 and above price. And, like the DRM free version, the shipping date for these versions will be further out, towards the end of 2013.
That's it for this SUPER STRETCHY Update today. And hey guys... You never know what TOMORROW will bring...
Those wishing to contribute to this game or to learn out other information, visit the Carmageddon: Reincarnation Kickstarter page. There's also other Linux games using this crowd-sourced financing method.