AMD RadeonSI & R600g Gallium3D Tests On Mesa 11.0 + DRM-Next
The Plot3D performance degraded a little bit with the updated AMD open-source driver stack.
The triangle open-source test saw its performance hugely setback for the R600g-powered hardware on DRM-Next plus Mesa 11.0.
It seems there's several performance regressions afoot with either the Linux 4.3 DRM code or in Mesa 11.0, when compared to Ubuntu 15.04 out-of-the-box. It would be possible for the Phoronix Test Suite to automatically bisect the regressions if there is enough support from Phoronix readers. Regardless, coming up soon will be some OpenGL 4 tests and other interesting benchmarks done from Mesa 11.0 + DRM-Next.
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