What People Are Saying About GNOME [Part 6]

Written by Michael Larabel in Software on 10 December 2011 at 06:45 AM EST. Page 17 of 20. 2 Comments.

6601: Better use of notifications with ability to position easier to access.

Piping menus like openbox

Stop the progression to touchscreen looking desktop icons. Gnome 2 works for apprearance, stop fixing it.

6602: Add window min,max,close buttons default for Gnome3
A Show Desktop option in the "expo" menu
Adding Panel Applets or in Desktop(Screen)

I have a serious complaint with Gnome 3.0
With proper driver and nvidia 7300GT card, Gnome3 has made a mess with image rendering in every application. web pages when scrolled get stuck,looks garbled. I cannot find any solution.

Remeber, Everything is working fine with Gnome2.30.x and Compiz.
Here is the thread detailing the problem:

Also, all "productive" users are not going to care tweaking Gnome3/or any DE settings is a wrong and biased conclusion. Carry the versatility of Gnome2. Where to change themes,colours etc?

6603: Gnome 3 is braindead fucked up that does not work.
Its designers are half dumped asses.

Just make Gnome 2.x better not just some clusterfuck name Gnome 3 shell.

GNOME Team, your 3.x is just a Brain Dead, You are not Steve Jobs.

6604: gnome 3and shell is just perfect but just the fonts maybe

fedora we love and adore you
gnome team we cant live without you

thanks for both for making our life so much happier and simpler
thanks for providing peace of mind.
now no need to worry about buying/looking for cracks for propriety software
now no need to worry about virus
now no need to worry about system performance
no need to worry about licensing

6605: -Change the suspend option for power off, or at least add the power off option to the menu.

-Make it easier to change between windows is annoying that one have to move the mouse to the activities menu (or press the super key) and then move it back to the window you want to use.

-Sometimes Gnome suck a lot of my laptop resources, MAKE IT LIGHTER!

-Make Gnome lighter the last version suck a lot of resources.

6606: 1) Development environment to make apps. Java, Android, .Net, Mac OS X, all have a well defined consistent, (relatively) easy to learn development environment.

But for GUI code newbies like me, (I do Perl/sysadmin for a living), Linux's dev environment is a confusing mess. Yes, documentation is out there, but good examples are few, many are outdated and even my GTK/Gnome book is already ancient. Gathering a set of accurate, timely, useful documentation is more like a Google scavenger hunt.

For Linux/Gnome to succeed, the Gnome environment needs apps. To get apps, we need a streamlined development environment, with plenty of examples and books. (Blender seems to have a successful model. The software is free, but they profit from the sale of books and movies.)

Take Glib, which is documented, but I've only found one good tutorial on how to use associative arrays/hashes on an IBM site. The 'community' would rather I dig through code to find model examples...

Seriously, we've got more distro flavors than solid apps. There are no mainstream desktop apps tempting enough to lure Windows or Mac users to Linux.

2) Virtual keyboard input (accessibility) needs tighter integration with apps. Google's Japanese input 'mozc' is impressive. I'm just wondering if there's a better way to go from input method to GTK/Gnome textbox. Florence is my favorite, but haven't gotten it to work with everything (screensaver).

Gnome 3's keyboard takes up too much space, lacks useful CLI keys. (Mint 12 - Both onboard and Gnome3 keyboard pop up when virtual keyboard is enabled. Onboard doesn't come up with lightdm, nor is Gnome3 keyboard available for login.)

Gnome 3 - What's good for the mobile is not necessarily good for the desktop.

In Gnome 2, it's Applications->Accessories->Terminal, a logical tree flow, from left to right. The relationships between the menus is clear and physically connected.

Gnome 3 has a 'whack a mole' pattern to interaction. I gotta jump from one side of the screen to the other. Activities->Applications->Accessories->Terminal That's Left, jump over Windows, click on Applications, jump to far right, Accessories, eyes jump left to look for terminal, jump right if it's not there to scroll, then scan for Terminal.

Jumping from place to place destroys the mind's understanding of relationships between different desktop objects. Users need a persistence of vision, a positional memory map. A natural flow from left to right, top to bottom. Just like reading a comic book.

You can do a top to bottom, left to right, but you can't do a left, right, middle jump.

6607: * More focus on Evolution, I know there's a revision on the way, but it needs to be a higher priority for "GNOME Inc".
* Refocus on web service offering. Sparkleshare is awesome, Snowy is server-side. How does a GNOME user
* Get Empathy/Farsight working well. Probably with some skype-like online-lookup of user names.

* The community values its designers. This is obvious and is of significant benefit to GNOME.
* The GNOME Women's outreach program is awesome. It addresses *so* many perceived and actual issues in the free software community.

6608: Allow user a lot more options to customize the look and feel of the gnome desktop.

Allow users to customize gnome to be the way they want it to be.

Allow user a lot more options to customize the look and feel of the gnome desktop. Users are not stupid and most people that use Linux like to customize it to their taste. i love how much more customize-able gnome 2 is, The graphics and interface is fine but if i want to change anything it takes a lot of work to change it. Dont assune what you want is what everyone wants, you can have you way but give users their choice too.

6609: - Allow easier customization
- Add a compatibility extension for the old GNOME applets in the Shell
- Easier support for drag and drop between applications (for example on MS Windows the user can drag something in the application bar and the selected window will popup to allow the user to release the button and drop the data in it)

Please don't remove options and features in the new releases or at least provide a way to restore them if the user wants.

6610: Accessibility options should be easier to remove if not required, nothing else comes to my mind

Just develop it further, do not bother too much with people complaining that G3.0 changed the way we perceive desktop. I find it thought out and it perfectly makes sense to me.

6611: Offer more built-in customizations.

please make sure the gnome team is in contact with the hardware people at AMD Intel and Nvidia for drivers. this has been the plague of Gnome.

6612: Throw out shell and go back to gnome 2.
Be happy.
Get work done.

Throw away the bells and whistles shell and go back to a working desktop ala gnome2.
I ran Gnome3 and 3.2 for about 2 months to give it a good go but found myself hindered by the shell, rather than helped by it.
I reverted to gnome2 and felt great about that until I realized that Gentoo ~arch is moving to gnome3 pretty soon.
I looked around for alternatives and is now happy in lxde land.
It doesn't get in my way and doesn't hog my machine down. Everything is instantaneous! :)

6613: Number 1: Get rid of the GNOME team as it stands and make it more responsible and transparent to it's users and external developers.

6614: Haven't used GNOME 3, but what I would change in GNOME 2:
-Add shortcuts to easily move a window to the left or right half of a monitor, or move it to another monitor. Similar to the Windows 7 shortcuts (Windows key + arrows [+ shift])
-I love the customizability of GNOME 2, I personally have two monitors, and the two GNOME menu bars are at the top of the monitors. Don't loose that feature.
-Linux is my workstation OS, don't make GNOME a tablet/touch UI.

6615: More customability
Bring back panel widgets
Faster Nautilus

6616: 1) Increase speed
2) Show all windows in upper panel
3) Always show bottom panel

6617: 1. Put all things that belong together in one place, not scattered around the Menu
2. PLEASE remove Evolution as a dependency for Gnome...??!!
3. Make Synaptic part of the base, rather than optional package

PLEASE remove Evolution as a dependency... please? PLEEEEEASE?

6618: in gnome 3.2 it would be cutomizibility, stability, speed of work (keyboard shortcuts)

new gnome is nice but you forgot on very important parts like cutomizibility, stability and speed of work, it should be pretty but also good tool for work...

6619: # rm -rf Gnome3
# dd if=/gnome2/using/gtk3 of=gnome3
# echo every one lives happily ever after

I beg you for the sake of everything you believe in, please restore the behaviour, look and feel of Gnome 2 in Gnome 3 and don't claim that the fallback mode works well.

Linus Torvalds, among many others, ditched gnome because of Gnome 3!
(disabling right-clicks and the control of panels in addition to introducing so many clicks have been a deal breaker)

Because of Gnome 3, I am staying with my old good looking and well performing (Gnome 2 on Fedora 14) even if this means the no updates for me until ether I find a better option or you guys fix your big fat mistake called gnome 3!

6620: Turn it into KDE 3.5.10.

You have abandoned the desktop for the mobile market. You could surely do both. I have now committed to Xfce to retain my traditional desktop. Windows 98 got the desktop right and cannot be improved upon, so adopt it as your model.

6621: better artwork I like the windows and mac look more. (but i tweak Gnome and than it's fine)

classic way of window management option in Version 3

global menu support like Unity (but not hiding it)

Nautilus need some love. Look at Dolphin and elementary... I use now nautilus Elementary and love it. but also like dolphin (fast on image loading)

geep up the good work and do not hide every option to make it easy to use. To simple is not easy to use if you want to change something.

6622: 1) Revert to version 2.2 and start devloping 2.X again.
2) Rename 3.0 to Bob for Linix and then admit it was a terrible mistake.
3) Promise never to even think about resurecting 3.x.

At a minimum, 3.X needs to provide an alternative desktop that simply builds on the 2.2 user experience. It's my desktop. I will arrange it and use it the way I like to. If had I wanted the system to make me use it a particular way, I would have bought an Apple product.

It took me a couple of days to realize that I couldn't stand 3.0 after installing Fedora 16. I figured out how to rip it out and installed Xfce instead. The system has 16 GB of RAM and a 6 core CPU so I don't need a "light weight" desktop. I just need one that doesn't get in my way. I will give whatever version of Gnome ships with the next Fedora the same chance. If it still gets in my way, it's gone and I'll go with Xfce again.

6623: * A sort of Control Panel where I can change every settings. Starting from GDM to Font configuration. Merging gnome-tweak-tools in System Settings would be a starting point. (i.e. KDE system settings)

Other things are just crappy and useless information that reflect only my personal taste such as font or icons so nevermind ;)

You rock, keep on making us users happy ;)

6624: 1. Allow users to configure the desktop to their liking.
2. Allow users to put icons on the desktop.
3. Allow users to move the sidebar to other locations on the screen.

I have to agree with Linus. GNOME 3.x is an "unholy mess". Thank goodness for Xfce. It is everything GNOME isn't and it's now my desktop of choice.

6625: I run numerous (from 4 to 15) simultaneous terminals (via ssh) to several other Linux boxes (RedHat 4,5,6,Fedora), monitoring, modifying, etc. While KDE will support this, Gnome 2.x is
the real deal for me; Gnome 3.x is not.

1. It isn't Mac or Windows, so don't try to emulate them.
2. Make/Keep a mode available to comfortably do multi-terminal ops.

6626: actual ati closed driver support
"low-fat" settings

make it more customisable
and think a little bit of the pc's not only the tabs ;)

6627: 1. I just want a PROPER menu.
2. See above
3. See above

GNOME is apparently only for GNOME devs, anymore.

I run GNOME 2, and will likely continue to do so so long as the applications I care about support it.

The Mrs. uses GNOME 3 in Fallback mode, because like myself, she just wants a proper menu.

6628: I would keep gnome as it is

dont make gnome into iOS/Android

6629: The virtual desktop bar in gnome 3: auto hiding is great on netbooks due to the lack of screen real-estate, but annoying on large desktop screens. Plus it would be nice if it did the expose effect on all windows and show all windows in each virtual desktop rather than just what's on top on that virtual desktop.

Evince pdf viewer: if a pdf is relatively small (say <5mb) scrolling through a document should not say "loading" every time I scroll to a new page. Also, searching for text is very slow as opposed to some other pdf viewers which instantly find all instances of text I'm searching for.

I'm running debian testing right now which I think has gnome 3 and 3.2 components mixed together. I cannot figure out how to add the weather (and a few other) extensions to my desktop. If this is not fixed in the latest release, it should be.

6630: 1. would add more options for changing the gnome-shell.
2. support for Compiz.
3. Better Fallback mode, current one is not really good.

I feel like the gnome team has really gone overboard with Changing the gnome desktop. They have deserted many competent linux who like full power over their functional desktop and gave them a barely customizable environment to work with. The gnome shell is Barley customizable, sluggish, and a pain to use. Finding and executing programs is hard and slower with the global menu. Compiz is now not supported so say good bye to 3D effects. But it gets better. There is a Fallback mode for gnome 3. A backup mode just incase you dont have good enough computer hardware to run the gnome shell. It is Designed like gnome 2 But It fails at resembling gnome 2 at all. Tons of old good features and support for gnome 2 have been ripped out of it. Hell i even have to download a tool just to get basic features like enabling the file manager to handle icons on your desktop.
In my conclusion. Gnome 3 is a absolute pile of crap. Everything that we knew from gnome 2 is now gone, and instead we have a desktop environment made for phones.

6631: 1. Good Documentation (almost non-existent); also should be available not as single page but complete downloadable docs (pdf etc)
2. Fully Configurable from a single config app
3. Well Connected Community

Thats it. Thanks for the good work!

6632: I would like to see GNOME 2.X continue to be developed and supported.
There is nothing else out there that even comes close... certainly not GNOME3.

I do not like GNOME3 for a desktop or laptop, although it would be great for a tablet or phone. But... I like the flexibility and customization available with GNOME2.X. GNOME3 is just too restrictive for the desktop, it doesn't fit at all with my workflow, and once GNOME2.X is gone, I will absolutely find something else, I will not use GNOME3. If you do not want to listen to your users, but only the DEV team, pretty soon no one will be using GNOME at all except for the GNOME team. Maybe this is what you want, I don't know...

6633: Ease of use, ability to customize, global menu

6634: Nothing comes to mind, over the years I've been able to configure it to accommodate ALL my wants and needs in ways which allow me to accomplish my work quite efficiently and easily.

Over the years I've been able to convince many Windows users and first time users to install a Linux OS, and had found the Gnome Desktop very helpful in accomplishing that easily. The new Unity and Gnome 3 Desktops have created great concern by ALL, and anger of some of those I continue to provide assistance. Most everyone I know run several applications simultaneously, heavily using the workspaces to switch quickly and easily interacting with different applications in accomplishing a single task. Unity and Gnome 3 have been found totally unsuitable for the environment they and I work in. We are currently looking to find a suitable Desktop to replace Gnome.

6635: 1. Ditch Gnome Shell et.al in 3.x, or at least let me choose.
2. Stop messing with xinerama -- I want it to actually work!
3. Start listening to the people that use your software!

Please, try to develop a better interaction with end-users or they *WILL* stop using your software.

6636: The whole concept

The Gnome Team

lack of community consultation

Start again. Android has tablets covered.

6637: 1. Keep shrinking the title bar.
2. Bring back the shutdown button.
3. Make a key combo to go straight to the Applications Menu.

Good job, well done. Please ignore the hating trolls.

6638: Ability to change GDM theme to match automatically the desktop theme.
Global Menu or create applications without menubars (even an office suite !!!)
More GTK3 Themes or at least make Adwaita compatible with applications like (tomboy, banshee, openoffice, google chrome) [see the scrollbars and the hints when moving over an icon)

Your own distro plz.

6639: 1. Let me have my icons back on the desktop
2. Cant think of #2
3. Cant think of #3

Keep up the good work, dont rag on Ubuntu too hard for trying to reinvent the wheel ..... unity (what a joke of a name - it should have been called "FTW we are doing our own thing" or "f*** upstream we are doing our own thing and have been blinded by astro glow")

6640: - send documents to printer

6641: * better netbook mode with more compact layout and mabye global-menu

* better tagging mechanisms in file/document manager

* better journal integration in file/document manager

* META+<1-9> application keyboard shortcuts, similar to unity/Win7

keep on rocking.

6642: Create a shell for GNOME 3 that mimics the old GNOME 2.x functionality; the current implementation in GNOME 3 of GNOME classic is quite poor.

6643: Exterminate Gnome 3 from the world.

Gnome 3 team has been influenced by idiots zombies.

6644: switch back to gnome2 look-and-feel

6645: Interface
Speed (too many unused apps make Gnome slow)
Name (It s not Gnome anymore...)


6646: 1. I'd not remove Nautilus config options.
2. Include a short overview video.
3. Get rid of mono.

Thank you for great work.

6647: Bring configurability to the level of KDE's
Get rid of huge icons & ui elements - not all computers are operated with thumbs!
Less "service" daemons (d-bus and crap) which are against the UNIX philpsophy.

SCALE with users' expectations. Otherwise, what Linus said will still hold true.

6648: 1. The top bar on windows, where the close window X is located, is not very pretty and is taking up too much space if you are using a small laptop. I think that here, Unity has a better solution with a meny hidden at the top, it gives you more space.

2. Change the order so that the google search option comes before wikipedia when using the "application search field"

3. Maybe add a turn off computer option in the top right meny (where my name is located)

Keep up the good work with Gnome 3, I love it. Hope that I can have it on my surf pad soon.

6649: - panel size adjustability (the smallest available size is still far too big if you've got a low resolution display)

- generally a little more configuration possibilities, the less gnome is able to change the more i have to do it in terminal which is, you know, not the idea of GUIs...

- that's it

get rid of gnome 3, please!

6650: Want the old interface. I want compiz and two bars linux mint is trying to fix it but still no compiz :(

Give me an option to have my old interface back. Then you can play around with new stuff and let me choose it when/if it's something i like.

6651: * Borderless Windows
* Multi-monitor support
* Global menu

Basically - I can't live without borderless windows and proper multi-monitor support. Currently, and for a very long time, KDE4 has given me all that I require. And I run the occasional GNOME apps under KDE. However, once in a while, I do like to use GNOME for a change and it really suffocates me to use it these days.

6652: 1) Go back to Gnome 2
2) Go back to Gnome 2
3) Go back to Gnome 2

Gnome 3 is a HUGE MISTAKE. I now use XFCE because of Gnome 3.

6653: Dump Gnome 3 philosophy.

Gnome 3 (and unity) have adopted a work flow paradigm that expects users to be simpletons ... catering to a lowest common denominator does a disservice to society by contributing to a dumbing down. In unity and Gnome 3 my work efficiency takes a huge dive! When gnome 2.x becomes incompatible with evolving distributions, my next move is to Xfce of similar.

6654: More options to configure, gnome-shell-tweak is one workaround but it should have more options also and it should be migrated to the settings and not a separate tool.

With extensions I can get a decent user experience with gnome3 (for example to get shutdown option to the menu), but unstable extensions ruin the whole user experience as they can crash the whole gnome shell. And I have only used basic extensions from my distributions repository. Someway to run the sandboxed or something?

Option for people to get features from gnome2 (Mint gnome shell extensions might good for this).

6655: I would make it single click, or give it the ability to change to single click. Not being able to change makes me not want to use it

6656: Use Gnome 2x = faster work flow, customization = great and keeps my systems working at peek performance.
Make options for gnome 3 to have similar work flow to previous version 2x.
Mobile phone look alike for power users is terrible.

Use Gnome 2x = faster work flow, customization = great and keeps my systems working at peek performance.

6657: - MORE settings to change!!!
- opportunity to set a working directory in the application-links (like in KDE or on Windows)
- change GUI of GNOME 3.2 similar to GNOME 2

- Do a survey on GNOME-Users, not the Developers about the design of the GUI.

6658: I'd do a big rollback. Some of the features of the new version are not that good. There'd be more customization tools and the menu would be redone.

Please listen to the userbase.
Not everyone is interested in tablets, not everyone has ADHD, not everyone has a stable electricity supply [ the lack of shutdown button in 3.0 got me REALLY angry ]. Not everyone needs a flashy interface. I'm sorry for the tone I used, but it's useful to think about the diversity. I, for exemple, still have problems with usability. I want things done. I want to switch between apps fast. I want an usable menu. I want to do lots of things at the same time. I NEED to do lots of things at the same time.

6659: Trash gnome 3
Make it faster
Fix bugs

Get out of the project and bring people who know hot to do good stuff.

6660: Better desktop integration with web services like Google, Facebook, etc.
Make Gnome panel calendar show events from Google Calendar (and drop Evolution)
Make it easier to install and use Gnome shell extensions.

6661: Stop hiding all my settings. I want MORE settings NOT less. I dont like the control panel, it treats me like an idiot.

When navigating the application menu the down arrow advances between applications, even if they are to the right of the currently selected appilication. I would like the arrow keys to work as expected (i.e. pushing down goes to the application below the current one on the list, and pushing right and left moves right and left)

The system tray (where notifications appear) is hard to use on a computer with 2 screens at different resolutions. I try to bring it up (on the smaller screen) and I move the mouse right past it and it dissapears.

Gnome 3 is nice, but it was a big jump from Gnome 2. Too big. It scared alot of people away. The only reason I'm using Gnome3 now is because unity is SOOOOOOO terrible. I even swtched to Fedora to use an OS with native Gnome3 as installing gnome 3 over any other window manager leaves you with lots of bad programs in the application list (especially in the settings).

Now that I have settled into Gnome3 i think it's awesome! My favorite feature is the dynamic desktops. i love throwing application onto a new screen when I want to ignore them but I dont want to close them.

Good luck!

6662: Functional old style desktop, improved nautilus

6663: Bring back the Desktop, make the Icons smaller, make things more configurable instead of following the myway or the highway approach

Start to listen to your users instead of trying to please a crowd which will never use gnome.

6664: Keep Gnome 3 and get rid of Gnome Shell (that unholy mess)

Think in better computing instead of market shares

6665: 1) Better default theme. Its GNOME, not the Fisher-Price DE.
2) New font. Cantarell at low size is shit.
3) Add a dock to the side.

Nice DE!

6666: The behaviour of the bottom panel. If I right click on it, say: Amarok, then its menu opens below the panel, which is annoying. Other than that it is perfect.

Please, please, please cooperate with the ati driver developers and create a gnome3 compatible catalyst. It is soooo needed, now I am stuck with Xfce on my laptop (it overheats with the opensource driver).

6667: normal bar at the bottom listing running apps
normal applications menu
minimize button

Do not attempt to make it touch screen tablet friendly at the expense of the desktop experience.

6668: no thing

keep working hard to add to community.

6669: 1) ALT+TAB in Gnome 3 has to switch through windows not programms! How am I supposed to quickly get back to the last Browser Windows I used?
2) Give me back the option to choose "focus follows mouse".
3) Settings still are a MESS!!! Screensaver, screen power management and screen resolution belong in the same config sub-util!

4) ALT+F2 to start apps without command completion is just idiotic and a huge regression!
5) Why do I get most of the applications twice in the start menu?
6) This whole compiz bullshit does never work reliably, not on Nvidia not on Intel. And certainly not after suspend!

Don't try to be NEW, try to be reliable in every aspect!!!
Fuck new!!!
Nobody wants a new Desktop!!!

Desktops are an old concept. They work for Desktop Operating Systems, the ones with mice and keyboards and the kind of Applications written for these interfaces. If you want to get fancy, don't change the desktop. Create a new Window Manager for Tablets instead, but do not try to be good in both worlds!

You will at least screw up in one of these fields!

6670: custom starters,
panel mostly dead space & needs more options to configure,
recurring default settings of extensions etc. after version upgrade are pita,

gdm & desktop loading time needs work.
desktop just wasted space; no conky, no plasmoids… what's the plan?

6671: The first thing would be adding folder thumbnails in nautilus, like in kde, when you have a folder with pictures in it you can see thumbnails of some of these pictures only by looking at the folder thumbnail. The second one would be the default theme. I am afraid there is no third thing.

I have really got used to this new way of using my desktop and like it. Thanks for making it and keep up the good work!

6672: Please get back to Gnome 2 interface or provide feature for having Gnome 2 interface.

Avoide Multiple clicking for a operation...e.g. in Gnome 3 for switching off, first I have to log out and then power off...

6673: I congragulate for their awesome product.

6674: give me freedom to configure gnome-shell to my needs

make gnome interaction transparent to assist privacy and security

isons are much too big and unstrutured mind will follow of the mess of icons like on windows, mac and smartphones

listen to your community and avoid dictatorship. This is free software.

6675: 1) want old gnome-panel functionality back in gnome 3
2) easily spawn multiple gnome-terminal
3) death to unity

i wish gnome was more conservative in UI changes during this period of backend improvements.

6676: 1) The file selector is too primitive. I want to be able to cut/paste paths to start with.

2) Nautilus is very slow. It lacks many features that I find essential as a software developer: Opening a console in the current folder, a "move, copy, link" option when dragging files.

3) Stop focusing on tiny screens and tablets at the expense of desktop functionality

It seems to me that the effort toward improving GNOME has largely focused on removing, (or at least hiding) features that allow the user to customize their environment. This has gone so far that it now lacks many useful features. While it IS reasonably useful for novices, it feels crippled to someone with more experience.

Personally, I've found GNOME to be too simplistic since the very beginning. However, I have (until recently) recommended it to novices. Unfortunately, almost all of those people have expressed major dissatisfaction with GNOME 3. About half of them are now reasonably happy with KDE. The rest have either jumped to MacOS or just complain about Gnome all the time.

6677: *bring back/introduce a non-immersive, non tablet-PC oriented, good old 1-foot UI mode focused on wide screen users
*better quality assurance

I love the freedom to choose/customize whatever I want,
and don't like to be forced one "ideal" way.
That's why I use FOSS instead of Win,Mac.

6678: Make it more like kde

Yes - do the world a favour and kill yourselves.

6679: - I'd make sure Gnome 3 looks the same with graphic acceleration enabled (physical machine) and with graphic acceleration disabled (virtual machine).

- Please fix the fallback mode in Gnome 3. Its awful.

6680: Gnome3 -> Gnome2

6681: Overall I like Gnome 3 and find it easy to use. It would be nice if, in overview mode, you could use the arrow keys to navigate to an application icon.

6682: Add more options to be able to customize applications and the desktop.
Make a tiling window manager the default.
Completely scrap Gnome 3.

Stop treating users as if they are idiots. Users can handle options and want options.
Being able to customize your environment is important, stop trying to take that away from people.

6683: Kill Unity

Kill Unity

6684: No change to Gnome 2.x : It was perfect for me... It just run like I want it to run... It's just comparable to my old Amiga Workbench, that already did everything I needed...

If I had to change things to Gnome 3 :
1. Bring back a complete and comprehensive control panel...
I understand you want to make it "easy"... Maybe is it easy for new user (altough I'm not sure, because they usually come from Windows, so they'll be lost), but It's frustating for the power user...

2. Let me TWEAK my fonts, for god sake !!! If I choose rgba or Grayscale antialiasing, the text becomes blurry, If I choose hinting, the bold text is horrible... I want my good old SHARP text from Gnome 2!!! I need to be able to choose my subpixel rendering order!

Ok for Gnome 3...
Nice try...
So now, please give us the choice :
"Easy Gnome", not a lot of configuration option, just like now.
"Power Gnome", as in "all the good old Gnome 2.x configuration options".
And then let poeple choose with a simple click!!!!
(and please, do something for the font!!! Don't wanna cry my whole day in front of my computer!)

6685: - More power management options (e.g. closing notebook lid on power or battery and customising behaviour, i.e. do nothing)
- More customisation over appearance (appearance menu for mouse pointers, fonts etc.)
- Better wireless configuration options, to allow me to easily edit the list of wireless connections which are saved by NM.

Please please please list to your users :) At least bring back the better power options ;)

6686: Make gnome 3.2 system tray compatible with old softwares.

Make a less noisy sound alert. The default one always give me headaches.

Make it easier to shutdown the machine and configure screensaver and power settings.

Please keep supporting gnome, it's the best window/interface system I know.

6687: 1) More on-line account integration (more third party systems)
2) More docs & examples for developing gnome-shell extensions

Ignore all those slamming gnome 3; they think they dislike gnome 3, but actually they dislike change.
Keep on going. It's a great step forward.
I was among those with concerns but now I am a convert.

6688: 1. Reduce memory consumption.
GNOME 3 uses too much memory. Even if it was still GNOME 2, which had more functionality and a long history, would it still be too much. It needs to be slim like a kernel and not get into the way of applications' memory needs.

2. Reduce hardware requirements.
The need for 3D hardware is absurd. There is a lot of software that has been developed over many years and that does not need 3D hardware in order to run. Requiring 3D hardware for all the users of this software in order to have a modern desktop is nonsense.

3. Increase usability.
GNOME 3 needs a lot of work to get to where GNOME 2 was.

Avoid large losses (losses in usability, design, functionality, etc.). Radical changes always require large cuts. Reach your goals by growing organically, make smaller changes, and compensate each loss with a win. Think micro management.

You will show people a steady success and thereby win their trust and support, creating an ever growing user base.

Do not use people's support and trust to throw away what you have created for them and then tell them they need something better. All you are saying is that you have no idea where you were going with GNOME 2 and are about to go astray again with GNOME 3.

6689: files on desktop
shortcuts in taskbar
smaller font
easier and more customizable configuration

the above

6690: Launching apps. As Linus said clicking in the terminal icon to open a terminal just brings to front this is not an advance and requires more clicks to do same things.

Also it's annoying to have to go to top-left corner to click on icons. It takes more time to work. Switching windows is also a pain.

Memory consumption is awful.

In esence. Everything that takes longer to do in gnome3 than gnome2 must be checked and rethinked.

Please take care to the memory consumption and load times. It's not a good idea to left it like is now.

6691: Workspaces laid out horizontally as if I had several physical monitors.
Launchers and Desktop icons so that I can make my own user interface since no desktop has an acceptable "canned" one.
Clicking starts a new copy - I think about objects rather than applications so I don't want to interfere with other objects that I am accessing just because the same application happens to be selected to open them.

Stop being so incredibly rude on forums - telling people that they haven't tried hard enough to like GNOME 3 or that they are old. These are just denials and don't really help anything. Treating people like idiots isn't intelligent in itself.

I have recently been using XFCE mostly. It's not great at all but it's better than GNOME3 and I can get it on a recent distribution. I intend to try MATE and Linux Mint.

6692: 1) Allow customisation of launchers in the Dash by right-clicking, e.g. to allow extra parameters to be passed to a launcher, or to default to launching a second instance of an application even if one is running already - this shouldn't need a middle click or keyboard short cut, or to just bring to the front the current instance of an application

2) Provide a notification area in the panel as it's too easy to miss the brief pop up notifications from the bottom notification thing.

3) Allow the top panel, the left-hand dash, the notification thing at the bottom and desktop switcher (right) to be moved to other edges of the screen

* Too hard to use - despite trying to "Overcomes several usability and user experience limitations found in the GNOME 2 desktop" - see http://live.gnome.org/GnomeShell/Design, Gnome Shell has introduced more usability problems than it has solved (see points below)

* Fix the clock so it doesn't "wobble" every time the time changes - i.e. don't centre its position based on the width of the string that represents the time. This is very distracting (cf with "This styling has also been designed in order to be non-distracting and to enable users to focus on the task at hand." on http://live.gnome.org/GnomeShell/Design).

* Allow the clock to be positioned anywhere on the top panel

* Allow the full range of time format string specifiers to be used in the clock - even XFCE can manage that!

* Provide a proper (optional) window list in the panel

* Allow alt-tab to be configurable to allow the old-style cycling through all windows, as well as the newer per-application/alt+` method

* Allow application launchers in the panel - having to mouse to the top left for every single application I want to launch is annoying and not easy, especially when I want to launch several applications in quick succession.

* Integrated messaging is not feature rich enough - Pidgin is far richer and the integrated messaging needs to be at least on a par with Pidgin before I would consider ditching Pidgin

* If you add "too many" application launchers to the dash, they disappear off the bottom - I really can't believe there is no way to scroll in it.

* Adding "too many" applications to the dash makes the launcher icons shrink smaller and smaller - surely no need for this shrinking, and doesn't that go against the "designed for touch screen" philosophy if my fingers are too fat to accurate hit the right launcher?

* The dash needs to separate running applications from application short cuts. There is no benefit I can see from combining a list of launchers with the list of running applications; if anything it confuses the issue and it's easy to forget that you don't have a certain application's launcher in the dash when you see that its icon is there just because it's running - another usability problem. A further usability issue is if the application's icon "off the bottom" of the dash when "too many" launchers are added - then there is no way to even access the icon/launcher let alone know if it's in the list

* Allow a separate "notification area" in the panel

6693: ‑ better integration with Thunderbird (and Lightning calendar)
- possibility to have a global menu (for screen real estate) / or the possibility to have a reduced menu like in Firefox/Chromium for each application
- get settings and advanced settings options back together

- include Spotify in gnome-shell media controller
- a more configurable dock would be nice, w/ download progress bar like in Unity
- more gnome-shell extensions and themes available by default in package manager

6694: add panels
add application start menu as it was in gnome 2.3
remove left panel

they should have listen internal and external customers needs.
they should have learnt from mistakes Microsoft did.
they should have learnt from Microsoft progress.
they should have fired up Gnome managers and marketing staff.

6695: Some notifications stay on the bottom of the screen forever (e.g. when a volume is mounted), I believe they should have a time-out.

I can't seem to find a way to customize the top panel, e.g.: changing its font (it's way too large for me), reorganizing icons, removing the accessibility icon etc.

I'd like to see the online accounts feature actually working, e.g. seeing my google calendars in the top panel calendar.

6696: reverse to Gnome 2 and improve this version instead of creating a crappy gnome 3.

changed my desktop manager to openbox, and lately to wmfs (tiling manager)

6697: More ease to access hidden options in dconf

Integrated search between GNOME Shell and Tracker (I think it's currently being worked on)

Delete button should send a file to the trash...

6698: Make things more configurable, I like options.

The Gnome team is awesome

6699: make it like gnome 2 which was great panels menus etc version 3 is terrible

Make a version 2 lookalike option permanent!!!

6700: 1. Simple customizable GUI controls (ex. text margins, shadowing, highlighting )

2. Simple customizable menuitems (creating key-shortcuts, adding, deleting, changing etc...)

3. More visual schemas included in default instalation

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