What People Are Saying About GNOME [Part 5]

Written by Michael Larabel in Software on 4 December 2011 at 05:53 AM EST. Page 8 of 10. 27 Comments.

4701: Cut Gnome 3 and improve 2.x instead. And do this three times.

Go back to gnome 2.x, gnome 3, and unity for that matter are just crap. It is possible to make gnome 2.x pretty without removing everything we liked about gnome and give us something that remind me of a Windows/OSx hybrid.

4702: More customization available.

The KDE compilation has some great software that far suprass the GNOME equivalents. eg Kate

4703: 1 - More easily findable settings, single point for changes, gconf-editor does some things, but not everything.

2- Better "low power computer mode" so instead of having to use lxde or xfce I can have a "minimal gnome mode" and avoid confusion when moving between environments.

3 - Proper adherence to themes from all programs. I use a dark theme and rhythmbox looks stupid as it never adheres to it... I'm sure I could probably fix it if I could be bothered looking for a solution...

Remember that Gnome gets used in more places than can probably imagine, always give as many options as possible and try and make the accessible.

Thanks for all your work!

4704: Return to a WIMP model. If I wanted a KDE type interface, I would use KDE.

Stop trying to recreate the wheel. You had a great product and introduced changes for the sake of making changes. You're not KDE or Apple... stop trying to look/act like them.

4705: In Gnome3? There are to many =(

Donnot force users to change their usage with the desktop!

Sorry, but with Gnome3 you have lost me as an user: i will no longer use Gnome: now i am using Xfce 4.0.8

4706: free hugs?

4707: More like gnome 2 (more customization).

4708: I am not sure whether this has been changed in the 3.2 version but it would be nice to have the task bar customisability (as in cpu usage etc). I know it CAN be changed but just too hard.

I don't care what people say about GNOME 3.x I think it's great!

4709: 1) Better integration within itself - Zeitgeist, Telepathy, the new online accounts integration.
2) Less wasted pixels, title bars, Nautilus.
3) Feature parity with GNOME 2.x, power management, extensions, application integration with Shell (Tomboy, Evolution notifications, actions).

Great work! You have tried to think away from current UI designs and have come up with something different, yet easy to navigate. I hope to see more of the same in the future!

4710: More minimalistic. Better support for netbooks. Better tablet pc functionality.

Keep up the awesome work! Fix Unity.

4711: Creating a shortcut easier. Easier way to add programs to the application panel that weren't already installed by a package manager. Call me crazy but I like being able to right click and open a terminal window anywhere.

I like where nautilus file manager is going.

4712: Better integration with Evolution
I really don't have any complaints with 2.x

I just want to say that I although I have not tried 3.0, from the multiple videos and reviews I have seen it does not appeal to me. I am perfectly happy with 2.x and do not plan to change until it is no longer supported.

4713: 1. Get rid of the new Gnome3 shell/dock
2. Allow panels to span multiple screens
3. Can't think of anything else that bothers me in Gnome2

4714: better applications menue
more configuration options
better default theme

Don't try to dumb your desktop environment down to the lowest denominator.

4715: Make Gnome3 more like Gnome2
In Gnome3 replace the application searching with a simple menu
Make Gnome3 work without requiring proprietary GFX drivers and without fallback mode which isn't as good as Gnome2

Make Gnome3 more like Gnome2

4716: 1. I would go back to gnome 2

Gnome 3 is a pain in the ass to use, and is overly complicated to do things that you could do in Gnome 2, ease of access to specific apps. Gnome 2 was a lot easier to use, and a lot more efficient.

4717: Make it a usable desktop again.

Give us the ability to actually change things

If anything, it should resemble GNOME 3's fallback desktop, which is actually pretty usable.

Usability and Customization go hand in hand.

4718: return to the gnome 2 ui and ease of use

return to the gnome 2 ui and ease of use

4719: Make it fast, I want a functional desktop, not one that makes pretty pictures but is functionally useless.

Make it work. Give me back my options, and stop making me feel like an idiot with GNOME 3.x

I want my applets and desktop icons back, and I don't want to use gconf to achieve this.

Look at what people want, and execute. We are not idiots, all we want is functional, and useful desktop, not flashy looks.

4720: lighter
more configurable through some means other than gconf

The documentation almost never tells me what I really want to know, it looks like something for Mac OS, which is to say, uninformative.

4721: A fall back version of the current GNOME that Looks more like GNOME 2.

Sorry that folks are so bitchy about the teans effords.

4722: Better package management (software store?)
Better drawing software

Make it easy for developers to find documentation (we need new/better software!)

4723: First, thank you for your hard work. I appreciate the effort. I'm currently using Gnome 3 on F15. There are many things I like about it.

However, as a whole it feels incomplete and limiting. Notification issues, lack of applets, no minimization, etc make it a very frustating environment to actually get stuff done in. It appears 3.2 will fix many of my gripes so I look forward to giving it a try.

Otherwise I'll look to another environment like 75% of my friends have (not exaggerating on that number).

4724: - MORE CONFIGURABILITY. For example, I should not have to install a tweak app to change font sizes.
- The notification panel should be visible full-time. That's the purpose of the notification panel, isn't it?
- While right-click shouldn't be the only way to do anything, it should still be available for power users. It's well-established, and for a very good reason.

And sorry, one more:
- Return to conventional menuing. Difficult to find what I'm looking for on a screen of large icons. Lists are much easier to scan.

By all means make things easy for newbies, but don't take the flexibility away from experienced users...and don't make changes for the sake of making changes.

4725: uk keyboard for gdm
official widgets e.g. weather, cpu usage, disk usage
fix bugs!

rather than introducing new features in 3.4 I would rather you guys tried to fix as many bugs as possible. Even if 3.4 was no different from 3.2 - I would prefer a more stable desktop.

4726: I want to be able to customize all the things. Gnome 2 let me change so much, while Gnome 3 feels more like Unity than it does Gnome 2. That's a bad thing.

4727: Need more Gnome properties or settings comfortably available to the users.
Want the Activities screen to appear after clicking the Activities button. It's terribly annoying to enter Activities screen every time I touch the top left corner more or less accidentally.

4728: 1. Right click (or hold down left click) to create custom shortcuts in the launcher
2. A button to turn off and disable everything that has to do with searching being performed "in the background" (tracker/beagle/strigi and updatedb)
3. A "significant other"-proof, easly accessible, easy to enable, shutdown button

People don't get addicted to the default look, but to themes, plugins and shortcuts to applications. Make sure the themes, plugins and shortcuts applications will work just as they expect, and people will stay happy.

4729: - fix glitches of some apps' tray icon in notification area
- more panel applets
- more lightweight nautilus

4730: 1. I want widgets put back in 3.2; I liked them from 2.x version.
2. Allow top bar to be customizable: size, position top/bottom, hide/show features;
3. When switching between applications/desktops, have setting for tile size or some kind.

Perhaps you could have themes/layouts for different platform targets:
i.e., the default theme could be based on what kind of computer.
For example:
Tablet theme,
desktop theme,
wide-desktop theme,

4731: Gnome 3.2 is often hard to test, especially on VMs. Some decisions are arguable, like the Suspend button instead of Shutdown by default.

Unity sucks on laptops, it's slow, and not intuitive. Many things must be typed to be found, assuming you know the name. Also, many fine grained options are impossible to find (e.g., after a short search I couldn't remove startup sound).

The best of Gnome Classic was the speed and fine tuning capabilities, not it seems to be all lost.

4732: Only once: Longer support for GNOME 2. GNOME 3 sucks!

See 22. :)

4733: Don't go down the path of making everything fixed (ie. not configurable and no, manual text file editing doesn't count). This is the main reason I no longer use GNOME and instead use Xfce (which has a surprisingly large number of configurable options that are well grouped).

4734: functionality and accessiblity (read on what this is) is more important than looks

go back to doing things gnome2 way

4735: I've never seen Gnome 3, so I don't know what is already changed. But the design could be more elegant and lighter; functionalistic if you will.

Keep Wanda alive!

4736: Keep it simple.
Keep the panels
Make the resource hungry graphics optional

If you wqnt to make a Gnome environment for ipods...fine. Keep it separate from Gnome for the desktop. Gnome has always been the DE that is a place to launch applications from...not a dazzling application itself. Don't get sucked into competition with Compiz. Amen

4737: 1. Give the ability to configure the desktop and turn off all the extras I don't want.

2. NO WALLED GARDEN. This is my computer and I want to control how I interact with it. I don't like you settings and I don't want you to force them.

3. Go back to GNOME 2 and call this whole 3 thing a totally failed experiment. Until I get all the functionality I had in 2 that you _took_ away, I will continue to use XFCE.

Listen to your users and how they _want_ to use the computer, not how _you_ think they should.

4738: Provide multiple ways to get to tool to complete a task rather than having only one way to get to a tool to complete a task.

Sorry, only thing I can think of at this time.

4739: It is still mostly ugly looking :)
Easier menu customization
More desktop widgets or similar extensions

Keep up the good work! Thank you...

4740: I'd made the "Universal Access" and Bluetooth icons hideable.
I'd add more power management options.
I'd somehow make it so the Gnome team got most of its feedback online from people who are enjoying the hell out of Gnome 3, instead of constantly seeing complaints from people who it turns out are incredibly conservative about how their computers work.

Keep up the great work! Using Gnome 3 feels very futuristic!

4741: Give the control to customize your desktop back to the user.

Yes, stop thinking I'm an idiot.

4742: revert back to gnome 2 like
kill gnome shell
offer possibility to tweak the system more

4743: Unified interfaces are fine, but a desktop is not a smartphone.

4744: maybe ease of use... I've recently tried on upgraded ubuntu the newest gnome 3, but I was not satisfied with that, so I switched to Unity, I find Unity easier to use

4745: 1. Use a fullscreen application browser (like gnome-main-menu) instead of traditional [Application|Places|System]
2. Select better default applications
3. Allow user to create remix distribution out-of-box

Take my comments seriously, please!

4746: I want back "all" the configuration and customization options in G2.*
The designers more than developers should heed to the "power users" also.

Just remember the debacle of Unity. I dont want G3.* to become a poor mans Mac. I re-iterate " I want all the configuration and customization options available in G2.* on G3.*". I love GNOME. It is THE desktop environment for me for the past 9 years. I have seen GNU/Linux grow through the eyes of G 2.*. Pls preserve all the positives of G2.* Dont forget the power users in your search for new "dumb" users.

4747: - focus more on stability

Don't forget your main audience is (should be) -power users-, not mom & pop who happen to NOT run windows.

4748: Finish the notifications support, get rid of that silly Dasher thing, for dumb. Get the consistency right. STOP REINVENTING THE WHEEL EVERY 20 MINUTES! STOP BREAKING THINGS BECAUSE YOU THINK WE DON'T NEED THEM.

I'm done with gnome/kde entirely so feel free to ignore all of this, those people have royally hosed the usability of their DEs.

Stop writing code go be apple fanboys/girls. Also, I hope they get crabs.

4749: Controls configuration in appearance preference needs to be seperate so I can change it better.

4750: 1. Bring back the title-bar applets.
2. Bring back the classic virtual desktop metaphore as the default.
3. Bring back the Applications menu as default.

I think that GNOME 3.x is a major mistake for most power users. The "new" desktop configuration is horrible. I'm running in the "classic" mode, and even then it's not as usable as GNOME 2.x. I run four by four virtual desktops ("Workspaces"), and switch between them using the keyboard. I have particular Workspaces where I have different projects / systems I'm logged into, and know exactly where each is.

If the ability to do this is ever removed, I would stop using GNOME.

4751: Add "Show advanced options" to config tools, so experienced user could configure more stuff but less advanced user wouldn't be confused (like in VLC)

Remove gconf, because it resembles win registry too much (I think win registry are bad)

More "pluginable" apps with good documentation how to make plugins - it should be easy for simple plugins but powerful for more complex plugins.

I think, forcing users to use Gnome shell is not good idea. I don't think Gnome shell is bad, just you should let users to choose - it's philosophy of Free Software. ;)

4752: No point of reference.

Give us an idea as to where you want to go with this new version. If you are pushing for a tablet, then let us know so we can move on. A netbook DE would be good too. Thanks!

4753: automatic tiling windows

4754: More screen space and keyboard shortcuts, such as in Unity.
Plain Network Manager rather than the odd configuration utility that does it now.

Keep doing what you're doing.

4755: Adres bar in the file explorer window back in place, that would be nice. Sice Ubuntu 10 or so They have it removed and I used it allot for copieng the path I am in at that moment.

Keep on the good work! I am disgussed with Unity...

4756: 1) Notification area (too intrusive)
2) Icons in desktop
3) Taskbar (at least an option to use something similar to the GNOME 2)

4757: - more Settings, please
- better Terminal support in Nautilus like nautilus-terminal from ppa:flozz/flozz; Please take a look to Dolphin, too.
- Please make it more stable

Please make it possible, to run Gnome 3.x (one day with wayland) on a Tegra-3 Tablett.

4758: Network applet(WiFi), Gnome Commander, GEdit

4759: 1) Encryption in Empathy
2) Cutting edge adoption of any available offline web options; caching, syncronization and key-value maps. Make Gnome Shell + offline web app JS integration a force to be reckoned with.
3) An excellent Powertop and power settings autotweak system

Stop with the big buttons, lack of proper power controls like shut down, etc.

4760: More flexibility. *Everything* must be configurable.

4761: 1. Better Telepathy Integration! 3.0 was terrible and 3.2 is only marginally better. why do I need to keep empathy's chat windows around just to use gnome's integrated messaging system? how can I start a chat without launching empathy and using their buddy list, OR searching for the contact, to get their details, then clicking the chat button, which opens an empathy chat window instead of the integrated one.

2. More keyboard shortcuts in overlay mode. I should be able to select an active window with the keyboard (and not requiring the extension) arrow keys should work here to select from the various on screen options no matter what you're viewing.

3. Seriously. Improve telepathy integration.

4762: Purely cosmetic changes as I am very happy with how Gnome functions

Keep up the excellent work

4763: I would like the option to display a more detailed clock in the top panel (full date by number or name, day of week, and time), and perhaps an easier way to switch to GNOME2/Fallback mode. I can't think of any specific issues, but the menu system for applications isn't super effective on my laptop when using the touchpad. Having the option to have much smaller icons might help by reducing the pointer travel distance between applications.

GNOME is definitely the best desktop environment around. Thanks so much for all that you do. I look forward to trying 3.2 when I get a chance.

4764: Make it more configurable.

Simple dumbed down interfaces are not necessarily the most usable. The best interfaces are approachable by novices but still get better as you learn how to use them better.

4765: For me GNOME is not working at all because of driver problems (ATI), so I'd suggest working on that even though I'm not so sure you can do anything about that. Also another thing to look at and properly test would be Compiz because it uses too much CPU at times and CPU temperature is roughly 25-30 degrees of Celsius higher than with Xfce

4766: Settings panel
Empathy integration
Default GTK settings

4767: More configuration options via a graphical way.

4768: Activities (bring back the start menu), Window management (like minimize), and bring back classic virtual desktop control.

4769: 1. It's perfect

Keep up the good work

4770: 1.stop the third version madness !!!

2.improve the themes

3.nothing else

once more - stop the third version madness !!!!

4771: keep classic gnome

4772: Remove Gnome Shell and go back with gnome fallback session

4773: 1)it would work more like gnome2.
2) reverse crazy decisions such as removal of minimise button on windows, and shutdown/reboot option disappearing, and lack of screensavers
3) make it easier to see open windows without using expose-style views. currently i use docky to see my open applications and it is there all the time. haven't found out how to permanently show the apps/windows strip

the new concept of workspaces is terrible and i cannot get any work done productively. for this reason i am choosing XFCE upon upgrading my gnome2 systems rather than gnome3. please listen to experienced users rather than dismissing "20% of people don't use X" and completely removing that option from the system

4774: There is the Ubuntu 11.10 gnome which is absolutely nerve wracking or the Fedora 15 version that is about the same. There must be a way developped for a user to either mix Gnome2 (with multiple desktops) with
Gnome3.2 where one can choose to open Gnome2 interface as a virtual terminal

The Gnome development team should consider users who make use of dual screens.

Consider the number of key-clicks. To do what one must do, the fewer the keyclicks the better.

I do software development and

4775: 1. Allow configuration of the mouse button assignments of multi-finger taps on touchpads (e.g. allow 2 fingers to map to a middle-click)
2. Lighter-weight options for configuration (more than just avoiding compiz)
3. See #1

4776: 1. Make it easier to tab through all open windows.

2. Make it possible to customize having elements from current and classic views.

3. Don't make me have to hover to see top menu.

4777: configuration
memory leaks

4778: 1. Improve the way Gnome 3 works with the multiple windows, especially from one application - [Alt+Tab] is broken now for me.
2. Bring back options that were available in Gnome 2.x but are hidden/impossible to change now - not everyone has the same needs/preferences.
3. Think of users that use something more than one browser window with multiple tabs inside.

New Gnome 3.x improved useability in some areas, but is failing in so many simple tasks it's hard to get by. Installed CentOs on the desktop to get the Gnome 2 which is so much better overall back on main "work" machine.

4779: Option to keep Gnome2 setup with GTK3

As with Canonical maybe on major changes like with Gnome3 that there is a better survey done, it seems majority of people I chat to now like the idea of Gnome3/Unity but it's just not working and have now moved either to Gnome2 based OS's or using LXDE or XFCE.

4780: Revert back to Gnome 2.3 Classic interface.

Yes. Out of a usability perspective, Gnome 2 was a lot easier to navigate with via menus and working was super fast. With Gnome 3 and Gnome Shells this is a pain. I miss having a clear panel showing what I'm using and making it easy to launch applications from the panels. I also miss the way the menus were set up, the navigation process was foolproof. Now it's all messed up.

And what's the deal with the lack of customization? It's a mission to change icons and fonts. In Gnome 2 classic this was super easy, and was imo one of the very strong points. Now it's all gone.

4781: Improve tiling functionality of Mutter.

Thanks for GNOME! Keep up the good work!

4782: 1. stop thinking people are retarded
2. stop making everything how you think it's better without asking anyone who actualy uses gnome
3. leave customisation options for users

is gnome currently for humans?

4783: More config options in GNOME3.

DISABLE TOOLTIPS! The most horrible annoying thing out in GNOME2 onwards.

Remove the gay drag bar from terminal in GNOME3.

Great layout and ease of use in GNOME3, I got used to it in twenty minutes. Well done there!

Would like some panel and desktop pager options like in early Enlightenment (GNOME1 had this).

4784: 1. It needs a better way to manage windows for pro-user, something like Compiz Grid would be awesome
2. It needs to be faster
3. Virtual-desktops should be smarter, switch to a task paradigm and adopt a grid instead of a sequence of desktops

I like what your are doing, I see you have a vision and aiming for a better integration, thanks for your work. Just keep in mind pro-users use GNOME too and most of us don't use a touch screen. Ideally I'd prefer not to touch my mouse/touchpad too much, we should be able to do almost anything using the keyboard. Having tiled-like feature for window managing would be awesome, and they should be accessible with a keyboard.

4785: - support Gnome with Metacity not like a Fallback Mode, but like
- bring back option of customization of panel (for example make new one, possibility to add or remove and customize applets like in Gnome 2)
- Make the whole environment more fast, stable and usable

Currently I'm using Debian Squeeze, so I'll upgrade when Squeeze won't be supported or I'll have a new machine. Yet I have Gnome 2.30 and everything works fine, exactly how I want. But I don't like Gnome Shell's concept, so I will be glad to have chance to use Gnome 3 Fallback with the standard Panel, which is on the Gnome 2's level. I will consider about upgrade after the release of Wheezy, if the panel won't work well for example in next 3 years, I will use instead of it Xfce-panel, XFWM and Gnome Apps. I think Shell is good for tablet and devices with touch interface, but I'm using a combination of keyboard and mouse and I see the classic interface most usable.

4786: Do not try to think for me. Just pick a decent default and leave configuration options available.

4787: The only thing which irks is is that alot of notifcations dont work and that I can't add items (tempreture/cpu/mem momnitor) to the top bar.

Keep up the awesome work on Gnome 3, you guys are doing brilliantly.

4788: 1. Faster
2. Better off line "How do I do -What ever-
Don't like having to Google to find out
what should easily be found on hard drive
3. Better, easier eyecandy

Never mind bells and whistles, make whats
there easier to find and use.

The one thing I dislike about Linux
the most is change just for sake of
change instead of of actual improvement.

4789: I cannot think of a thing to change

I will sorely miss 2.x when it is gone.

4790: Improve stability

4791: A .Go back to version 2.x
B. Re-enable right click and other functionality standard in most other desktops
C. Both of the above.

4792: 1.- Swtiching windows is horrible. Have to do tab and select the window with the mouse. This is fatal. Will surely switch to compiz if possible. Was far better in Gnome2.

2.- Synapse in GNome3 is a must. I don't want to go left corner to start common apps. A faster way to do it is needed (Synapse in this case is a valid solution). Was faster in Gnome2.

3.- Loading time and memory cosumption is by far worse. It should be upgraded to get better response.

You are doing well guys. Tnx

4793: 1. Better integration with Qt applications (sorry, GTK, Qt is a better framework...even if KDE does kinda suck).

2. Less inter-dependencies for GNOME applications (I really don't want to have to install the kitchen sink just to get a single GNOME app on a non-GNOME desktop...KDE does this stuff, too, and I can't stand it).

3. More user interface configuration options. GNOME 3, in a lot of ways, was a step in the right direction for this...but it's still not quite there yet. I like that it's not KDE 3/4, though, where the number of options is simply overwhelming.

4794: I want to be able to customize EVERYTHING.

Don't obscure details and functionality to make it "easy."

We want the configurability. This is how KDE lost out when going to 4.0 and it seems what has also happened to GNOME. Get back to the power user, we are the driving force behind desktop change for the better.

4795: I'd kill GNOME 3 and redirect resources back to developing GNOME 2 as a light, full-featured, and intuitive interface.

Don't pull a KDE4 on us here, guys. If it can't run right without a dedicated graphics card, you're doing something wrong.

4796: nothing is gnome 2.x
menu, panels in gnome 3.x

Please make gnome 3 more gnome 2 like. Customization's in Gnome 3 are painful and even simple task are hard. Gnome 3 seems to be made more for clickers not for advanced users.

4797: Google Calendar on Clock.
App-Icons smaller (On Netbook).
Make the Search (Super-Key) find all Files and Folders and be faster.

Look Question 22.

4798: Consistency and freedom from bugs is more important to me than UI sugar, which is why I chose Gnome over KDE for so many years. I tried Unity when Ubuntu switched to it, but with 11.10 they are moving backward instead of forward. I am currently using XFCE. While I miss some Gnome & Unity features, it is more stable and consistent (and it doesn't hurt that it is very fast)

4799: I'm an ubuntu user and I've recently switched to KDE. This is due to the changes introduced by Unity and Gnome 3.X. I've discovered that KDE is more customizable to my tastes and it has a much better default power manager. I haven't used KDE for long yet, but like what I see so far.

4800: Get back to old use model

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