Chromium OS, Moblin, Ubuntu Netbook Remix Benchmarks

Written by Michael Larabel in Operating Systems on 23 November 2009 at 12:06 PM EST. Page 4 of 7. 25 Comments.

Turning away from the pure disk tests, we next used our dcraw test profile that measures the time to convert several sample RAW image files to PPM. The times were all quite close, but Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.10 managed a narrow lead followed by Fedora 12, openSUSE 11.2, Chromium OS, and then Moblin 2.1.

For those that will be doing any simple audio encoding on their Atom netbooks, the fastest performance with our Ogg encoding test put Fedora 12 in first followed by Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.10, openSUSE 11.2, Chromium OS, and then Moblin 2.1.

Switching over to video encoding with FFmpeg, the best performance was found to be under Ubuntu Netbook Remix, but again by a very slim lead. The slowest performance was Chromium OS but it was just under three seconds slower.

Lastly, we ran the new x264 test profile with a last look at the video performance. The 11.2 release of openSUSE had the best average while Chromium OS and Ubuntu Netbook Remix were right behind and then Moblin and Fedora.

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