Linux OpenGL Game Benchmarks Being Worked On This Weekend

The Warsow test profile has been updated against the latest upstream version of the game, Warsow 1.5. Warsow remains a very unique and interesting multi-platform, open-source game powered by the Qfusion game engine. To try out the new version on any modern version of the Phoronix Test Suite, simply run phoronix-test-suite benchmark warsow.
For those that missed the news earlier this month, the Tesseract game saw its first release as based upon Cube 2: Sauerbraten. Tesseract is visually interesting and has already been incorporated into the Phoronix Test Suite for easy Linux game testing by running phoronix-test-suite benchmark tesseract.
I've also been working towards incorporating RBDOOM-3-BFG into the Phoronix Test Suite as the most lively open-source project around the open-source id Tech 4 engine, a native Linux port of the Doom 3 BFG Edition code, and has been adding interesting new visuals. Sadly, Doom 3 BFG's timedemo code is broken but hopefully Robert Beckebans will be able to get it working in short order within his open-source Doom 3 BFG code-base so we'll be able to use it for benchmarking in future Phoronix articles.
For those not up to date on the hundreds of tests available via the Phoronix Test Suite and, there's the official listing. If you would like to see other test profiles added, new contributions are welcome to our widely-used, open-source benchmarking stack. Here's an example of what a test profile looks like, it's rather simple and just bash scripts and XML. For those just wanting to provide requests of benchmarks to be added, first be sure to read Finally, Team Fortress 2 Benchmarks For Phoronix! and Running Benchmarks On Other New Linux Games for the criteria.
On a semi-related note, I'm in the process of what should become a 50+ way Intel/AMD/NVIDIA open-source Linux GPU comparison that should be published in time for the ten-year birthday of Phoronix on 5 June. If you wish to support our open-source benchmarking work or the many Linux hardware articles that are constantly being published on, consider subscribing to Phoronix Premium and/or providing a PayPal tip.