Fedora Will Soon Decide The Fate Of Its i686 Kernel

First up, in regards to the proposal for dropping the Fedora i686 kernel support to effectively do away with new Fedora x86 32-bit installations (but keeping 32-bit user-space packages for those wanting them), they are going to see what the proposed Fedora Special Interest Group (SIG) comes up with.
The new Fedora SIG wants to focus on Fedora i686 support. FESCo is going to wait two weeks and see what the group proposes as a criteria for keeping the i686 kernel around before deciding whether to drop the i686 kernel for the Fedora 28 cycle.
Other changes include:
- Deprecating the NSS signtool for Fedora 28.
- Switching OpenLDAP from NSS to OpenSSL has been deferred until Fedora 28.
- RPM 4.14 will be used by Fedora 27.
- Regarding plans for better VirtualBox guest support on Fedora, some developers want to carry various out-of-tree patches for the kernel to improve this support. FESCo is delaying approval on this until they see a clear path where those patches would in turn be accepted into the upstream Linux kernel.
- The first supported single board computer disk images for Fedora AArch64 will come for F27.
- The unified DNF database work has been deferred until Fedora 28.
- OpenVPN on Fedora to change its default cipher from Blowfish to AES-256-GCM.
- Chinese Serif Fonts, libpinyin 2.1, platform Python stack, and OpenSSH server crypto policy were other approved changes.
The deferring of some of the changes to the Fedora 28 cycle is due to F27 being on a shorter release cycle. More details on this latest batch of approved work via the meeting notes.