What People Are Saying About GNOME [Part 1]

Written by Michael Larabel in Software on 25 October 2011 at 07:38 AM EDT. Page 2 of 10. 45 Comments.

101: Enable delete button
Enable Shutdown option
Enable Compiz compatibility

Don't listen to any complaints, but make sure you have a really good design leader

102: Put a window list on top

window list extension http://www.o2net.cl/gnome/windowlist.html

103: - keep it simple but...
- be more flexible (don't hide too many configuration parameters)
- improve application searching and management

Listen more to the user base. Gnome without user is nothing, so it should be designed for them, not for pure ideology.

104: The Start-Up Area, it auto-hides by default and therefore I cannot see if there has been messages on skype, thunderbird, etc.

Please allow for a different type of start-up

105: More system and Gnome Shell settings.

Less empty space in overlay window selector, the thumbnails are too small!

Important notifications, such as instant messages, are easy to miss.

Switching workspaces using only mouse requires move to top-left corner and then move across the entire screen to the right edge, too much for a very common action!

Some times I end up with more windows than I can show at once on a workspace, and I wish there was a faster method for switching between them (mouse only) than going to the overlay.

It's pretty awesome! I wish Gnome 3 would become the default environment in Ubuntu.

106: 1) include input method
2) gnome 3 not require 3D driver
3) easily replace default software

107: 1. Delete Gnome Shell
2. Make the development more open and friendly. Right now it's hard to get in and people are _NOT_ open to opinions.
3. Let GTK apps integrate seamlessly in KDE just like Qt apps are currently integrating seamlessly in Gnome.

Yes. Gnome is a Meritocracy which is probably the best form for free software development. However, KDE is also a meritocracy yet they seem to manage to be very open, listen to arguments and don't have stupid demands like: "Did you take a user survey of at least a thousand independent users?" .. that is a demand that _CAN_NOT_ be filled ever (and i had seen more extreme demands) thus resulting in the suggestion in question being shot down since there was no "user feedback"... Gnome should freaking LISTEN to it's users and not FORCE options on them.. Or rather take away as much options as possible. Linux is about freedom of choice and Gnome is exactly the opposite. Gnome is not my DE and with the "experience" i've had in it you guys will certainly never win me back again.

And now with Gnome Shell you guys are making _E X A C T L Y_ the same mistake as KDE did with version 4.0. Oke, i give you that it's working but it's far from stable and that interface hunts the people away that want to do more advanced things. What you have done is make a desktop environment for the real n00by pc users.. So actually a "windows" for linux but by doing that you lose most the people that likely to install linux in the first place.

Anyway, good luck with the gnome project.

108: I would improve the multi-monitor setup in gnome2/X11 so that screens having different resolution would not loose the mouse cursor at the edge.

Please keep working on Gnome2. Gnome3 was pure crap last time I tried it.

109: 1. When dozens of users identify an issue as affecting them, address it. For instance, for about 8 years this was a perfect example: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=56070 (kudos for finally fixing it). These days, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=579430 is the better example, particularly as you've dug in your heels and outright refuse to fix the issue.

2. Don't continually switch technologies. For instance, your IPC technologies like HAL, D-Bus, I-Bus seem to change with every release. I don't know how many times I've had to figure out how to e.g., mount a USB filesystem from the commandline in a way that works with, not against, gnome. This also ties into item 1. If third-party programs decide to implement whatever strange solution you require to prevent screensaver activation today, will it work in the next gnome release?

3. Better serve users who are running longer-lived systems like Ubuntu LTS as desktops by bugfixing those versions and collaborating with distro maintainers to get those bugfixes to users. A fix for a critical bug in Ubuntu's 2012 LTS (and, predicting the future, there are going to be some whoppers!) doesn't help me if it's only in a version of the software I'll get in 2014!

As a power user, besides a desktop that doesn't break anything when I upgrade, I want
* something like devilspie built in, to e.g., always show firefox windows on desktop 4
* keyboard-controlled everything
* shell- or python-scriptable everything

110: task manager
notification area
application list

improve the task manager, i don't like always move my mouse to top left corner.

111: 1. Implement Global Menu.
2. Better theme and customization support for Gnome Shell (e.g. all the options available in Gnome 2.x).
3. Include compatibility with Ubuntu Unity Indicators in Gnome Shell.

112: Gnome 3 or Unity may be the future, but I am hurting with them just as much as I hurt during the Gnome 1 to Gnome 2 transition. It currently break most of my workflows.

I like Gnome 2 as it doesn't get in the way. I may well have built my ways around it, and not the other way around, but damn am I fast with Gnome 2!

113: Three things... let's see:

1. Alt+Tab in Gnome Shell: unpractical when you have several instances opened of the same application.
2. Gnome Shell altogether and the default settings for the UI: it's oriented to touch interfaces, I find it unpractical for working with a keyboard and mouse (for example, wtf were you thinking when you chose the size of the close window button?)
3. Nothing more I can remember right now, but I'd sure change more things.

Yes, listen to your user base. I've heard most negative comments about the current maintained version of Gnome (3.x), I've tried it myself and I find it doesn't suit my needs. It breaks the current workflow providing a new and refreshed one, but I don't think it's of any use for anyone not using a touch interface. For example Alt+Tab behaviour when you have several Terminal windows, switching among them is pain.

I understand that GKT+2 may be limited and that a need for a new one was there, but those are not ways to do it in my opinion. You replaced a mature, well established desktop environment for a new one without even providing the same feature set. Applets were removed when 3.0 launched, it was buggy and laggy even with proprietary graphic drivers. I think you should provide support for a 2.x style workflow, maybe on top of GTK+3 but not like the "legacy" mode of Gnome 3, where even there many things are touch oriented.

More suggestions I would like to make are about linking to GTK+2 current Gnome 3.x applications. For example, Gnome Terminal 3.0.x has a configure option (--with-gtk=2.0 if I recall correctly) which allows you to build the application linking to the version 2 of the toolkit. This switch was removed in the latest stable version 3.2.0 and now the version 3.0 is compulsory for it to build. Out of curiosity I modified the configure script to allow linking to the 2nd version of the toolkit and it worked beautifully: not only it compiles but it's fully functional from what I can tell. The same happens to Gucharmap for example. I understand that if you use a new function or something like that the minimum requirements have to be pushed up, but this is different.

Another thing I'm not comfortable with over these years using Gnome is the way you add new "features". I'll try to explain it with a couple of examples: in the Appearance application there used to be a tab where you could choose among other things if you would like to see icons in the menus, or customizable accelerators, ... This tab was removed in one of the stable versions of the 2.x branch and I wonder: why? Did it bother users? No. Was it confusing or something? Not at all. Now if you wish to change those preferences you have to go to the gconf editor and modify the corresponding keys. Another example, the thing with GDM: I'm no GDM user, but from one day to the other the configuration application was removed because you changed the way its configuration was stored consequently removing the ability to use themes or personalize the start screen according to your preferences. Years later I have still to see a configuration utility for GDM. I don't see that as a good practice regarding your users.

Those are just examples but there are more things in these lines (how many preferences could you configure graphically when Gnome 3.0 came out?), the little things are what make a great experience.

114: more configuration options

115: Back to classic desktop metaphor.
More configurability.
Nautilus should be Explorer clone (+ tabs and split view), not Finder clone. Finder is a total crap, don't copy that.

Listen to your users.

116: Can't quite put my fingers on it.

I would probably make app icons smaller.

Implement global menus so applications can get more screen.

Bring back window buttons(minimize, maximize)by default and bring back well known shortcuts.

I would probably make app icons smaller.

Implement global menus so applications can get more screen.

Bring back window buttons(minimize, maximize)by default and bring back well known shortcuts.

117: Axe the shell.
Improve the developer documentation from its current abysmal state.
More lightweight (way too many libraries get pulled in).

118: 1. keep GNOME 2.x alive

1. keep GNOME 2.x alive

119: 1. Bring back the task bar.
2. Bring back the task bar.
3. Bring back the task bar.

120: 1.Improve application start-up times.
2.Better multi-screen support (probably X is my main source of problems).
3.More efficient spatial layout of windows and widgets.

Keep innovating but listen to user feedback and continue maintaining gnome classic. I do not have a touch screen so why give users an interface that does not fit their use case.

121: more customization (control panel ala KDE)
optimization (faster, stronger and better is always good ;)

create a special web page list that you can suggest features - works like a self arranged linked list where you can ANONYMOUSLY like or dislike a feature request, the devs look at the top ones and either implement or discard them, by commenting on the feature and resting the like/dislike count

this would also mean that a feature that was not implemented properly or at all could make it to the top again, highlighting that the devs should REALLY look at this feature

122: More settings
Better power management
More customizability of gnome-shell

123: Get rid of the GDM3 ready sound;

As much as I like the looks of Gnome 3 it does not offer the same comfort and usability as Gnome 2.x. Many options are not there anymore which were easy to change in 2.x. I think I would prefer a mix between Gnome 2 and 3 with the (from my perspective) best from both worlds. Otherwise keep going and than you for the work.

124: 1. Better keyboard usage
2. Application Menu for maximized windows or even better : title bar menu
3. Better settings

125: a) Back to Gnome 2 – Gnome 3 is just too limited
b) Improve the documentation of the ecosystem around Gnome (GTK, language bindings for Python/Vala/…)
c) see b)
d) seriously, b)

126: Gnome 3 fallback mode could be little better, (my old radeon r200 laptop can't run gnome shell) but in overall I'm quite satisfied with gnome 3. Though I really would like to shutdown my computer from the menu without pressing "alt"! Also gnome 3 could be little more customizable (gnome 2 balance was quite good but gnome 3 starts to be little too much mac os style "dumbed down").

Keep up the good work on improving Gnome 3. Also when you get decent tablet support in Gnome 3. I'll buy a tablet instantly and put gnome 3 into it. :P

PS. I answered that "I can't live without console". I'm using Gentoo and that should explain alot. Just so that you know that I'm not using console because of gnome. And the reason why I use Gnome 2 on my main desktop still is that Gentoo doesn't have Gnome 3 in tree yet.

127: 1 Gnome 3 needs polishing
2 Tree style tabs for epiphany (and maybe experiment with shell level tabs?)
3 Better telepathy integration with gnome shell

128: Gnome 3.
Developer attitude.
Needs more dialog with users

Listen to your users, before releasing something.
IF you have to do changes do them gradually.
Try to keep conversations with your userbase polite (as long as they keep it the same way)

129: 1. Fix bugs
2. Add a little more configurability
3. Reduce the endless library churn (example: gconf/dconf/gsettings)

130: Please, come back the "lost options" of gnome 2. With gnome 3 i can't change fonts, colors, screensavers... without touching the system internals. I want to do it graphically and out of the box, like it was in gnome 2. With that, it would be a (almost) perfect desktop

131: - exterminate gconf and bonobo from our planet
- WAC Apps as widget
- better integration with Wammu (http://wammu.eu/)

More involvement with KDE community

132: 1. replace pulseaudio with other (eg. alsa)

133: This is a difficult question, GNOME is already one step ahead of other desktop environments. Native integration of things like conky or covergloobus would be great, since the desktop does not have much use right now (like the implementation of the gloobus preview-like component, sushi). Other things like coverthumbnailer would be a nice addition too.

Nope, just want to say thanks. Keep up the good work, and never stop to spread awesomness!

134: I love compiz cube, and switching my desktops with only mouse wheel
i want only a vertical panel, with nothing else on the desktop

i can not leave without these points.

Back to gnome 2.x !!
for my usage , gnome 3 is completely unusable.

I am seriously considering switching to XFCE, even if some points ( eq thunar versus anutilus ) are inferior

135: 1. Better (more efficient) use of screen estate
2. PulseAudio settings to work as well as alsa (for instance 2 different outputs should be controllable at the same time without switching HW-settings)
3. Better use of screen estate!
4. Faster ALT+tab
5. Does anybody know how to configure GDM nowdays?

136: Fix the shell bugs under catalyst drivers.

No hidden settings - put them all in control center. If it is an unusual setting, have it show up only when you flag an "Advanced Settings" checkbutton.

Unify dconf and gconf. Having them separate is a pain.

Comment: Great work!

Suggestion: My suggestion would be to give nautilus an option to operate commander-style.

137: Switch gconf with plain text config files.
Switch dconf with plain text config files.
Make gnome-tweak-tool "official" or provide some sort of "official" customization settings.

Keep up the great work.
Gnome 3.x was the best thing on my computers since I first installed linux back in 2007.

138: 1. Provide advanced options for advanced users! Why should advanced users be left out just so that beginners should not change stuff that you think they should not touch?

2. Simple way to add widgets. I like to have widgets on my second screen with status of the system etc.

3. Add screensavers again. I like the matrix one, now I only get a black screen :(

Create tutorials for making extensions so that people easily can make their own extensions. Provide a nice documentation of the gnome 3 extension api with code examples. Let people tweak their desktop however they want!

139: - Reliable IM integration (telepathy-gabble and -butterfly are not so stable)
- More logical and flexible network configuration (It works fine if you only use DHCP but why can't one configure a connection until it is connected? Why can't you configure a connection according to a specific device [some devices change mac address at each interface initialisation which messes up network manager]?)
- To be more widely relevant than what we might consider as our FOSS world niche market for desktop/laptop use, it seems that we must work to have standardised, well-documented frameworks for software developers to come to the platform to write applications. Maybe we're not concerned about that, but for investment in desktop Linux from third parties, this seems necessary. GNOME could be a part of this.

140: Change fallback mode to be useful.

141: Fix the "panel failed to load applet XXX" and Gnome failing to load its theme (or losing its theme when a program opens that does not use GTK)
Add desktop widgets like KDE Plasma and windows 7 have (I actually like KDE's weather)

I do not like Gnome Shell. I need a panel, else I start confusing the 5+ apps that I use simultaneously. Last time I used Gnome Shell I had 2 terminals open, and never clicked the right one. With a panel I know which one is left, and which one is right. With Gnome Shell, they do not stay at the same place in the Activities window when the number of windows changes. Not yet tried Gnome 3's fallback.

I am a Linux Mint user and I like the default desktop of Mint 11. I can't live without Compiz, a panel and fast access to the terminal.

142: An official "store" for gnome shell extension to allow easier customization of the desktop and easily add new functionality.

Please - stop removing GUI means of changing options the devteam thinks of as "unneeded", it's okay to hide them, but at least allow for some kind of "expert-switch" in the system settings dialogue that gives back more control to the user without him having to rely on dconf-editor and other manual ways.

Utilize the top bar more, even on small screen devices it looks terribly empty and unused, which is especially sad since the edges of the screen are the most useful and easily accessible spaces by mouse on the monitor.

143: better on-screen keyboard
notifications - some of them should not rest in the tray
virtual desktops not only in a column but in a grid

144: Give us back our taskbar! :-) Not as default behavior but some integrated/well behaved alternative to taskbar would be great. I (and a lot of Linux users around me) dont actually have primary operation system or desktop environment and task bar was for at least 10 years one thing common for most Linux DEs and Windows. We really miss it.

145: I'd only change one thing:

Stop assuming that users are retarded. Nobody needs three different indicators to tell whether an option is toggled on or off, for example (text, color, switch position -> TOO MUCH).
This assumption generally ends up costing the user screen space and resources. Less is more.

If you keep fucking up, I'll switch to KDE.

146: Configurability,
Dependency to other libraries.

I think they dont have any idea what users may think of. They just try to make it look much like to MacOSX. As Linus once stated: they think that users are stupids. GNOME needs functionality rather than eyecandy.

147: 1: "Power user, used to traditional desktop metaphor" mode *
2: See 1
3: See 2

*I'm aware that GNOME 3 offers a sort of GNOME 2-like mode, which is basically a very unattractive and crippled afterthought port of GNOME 2...

Don't over-simplify - educate instead.
Have the power users in mind.
Don't take my advice to mean "stick to GNOME 2" but rather "do continue developing what has clearly worked in the past instead of putting all your eggs in one basket to sugarcoat Microsoft Bob as you have done".

As it stands now, I keep GNOME 2 on my multihead desktop and use XFCE on my laptop, even though I fell in love with GNOME in 2005. Over-simplification put some dents in our relationship during our time together, but GNOME 3 basically broke us up completely.

148: - Eliminate compositing. You aren't doing anything so significant that this actually helps. It just makes it slow and unreliable.
- Make it easy to launch applications. I don't need to go chasing across the entire screen 57 times before clicking on the application I want to launch.
- Put back the bottom bar so I can see the applications that are running. I don't like the unorganized "overview/expo/whatever" mode -- it is totally useless because you can't tell the difference between a bunch of dime-sized squares laid out in a grid all over your screen.

- Eliminate dependency on compositing bloat -- flashing a menu up on the screen doesn't need the added complexity, unreliability, memory munching, or *brutal slowness*.
- Don't delete "application categories". Searching through a bloated mess of 10 trillion different application icons is an unproductive use of my time. Categorization of applications allows me to very quickly get to the application I'm after.
- DO eliminate the "holy crap what a mess" category that contain EVERYTHING. It is totally useless to see 10 trillion different application icons in the same window.
- It takes too many mouse clicks/actions to do anything. With gnome-panel, the menus expanded out from the starting point in the upper left corner and you follow the menu expansion to the application you're looking for. With gnome-shell, you need to bounce back and forth all over the ENTIRE SCREEN several times too many.
- Reduce the size of the menus. There is no need for the menu to take up the ENTIRE screen. Gnome-panel was good in that it was compact and yet readable.... unobtrusive.
- It isn't about the launcher/shell!!!! Its about the applications that you get running from the launcher/shell. You need to pull back and make the launcher/shell AS UNOBTRUSIVE AS POSSIBLE. Your job is to present the installed/running applications in a CONVENIENT MANNER -- to HELP the user get things done. Your job IS NOT and MUST NOT BE to take over the entire system. If you get in the way of the user actually using their equipment productively, then you have FAILED in your purpose. You must get the hell out of the way.

I use gnome-3, but I do NOT use gnome-shell. I use a custom modified version of gnome-panel with the "system" entry on the "applications/places/system" menu restored. I will note that you have crippled gnone-panel-3 to make it more inconvenient to use and push people into gnome-shell. I cannot use gnome-shell because it is to bloated and slow.

149: Fully configurable session-fallback mode

150: 1) Better Norwegian bokmål and nynorsk translations.
2) More settings for the underlying system, less Fedora, Debian, OpenSUSE++ spesific.
3) MUCH better GNOME Packagekit interface. It hasn't really changed and it's much inferiour to for instance the ease of use of Ubuntu's Software Centre and the power of Debian's Synaptic.

More standardisation of functionality of the underlying system. Make GNOME a more coherant(sp?) desktop across distros. Better translations by providing a better translation tool. KDE's Lokalize is much better than any other translation tool. The site Damned Lies is nice though.

151: - GNOME 3 needs more ability to customize the UI.
- GNOME 3's notification area is useless.
- GNOME 3 is very slow on my more-than-capable hardware.

Overall, I'm happy. GNOME 2.32 is perfect, and GNOME 3 needs to keep going in the direction it is.

152: 1. better windows management (windows seven aero seems much more better to me right now, better than gnome shell too).

153: Stop trying to be OSX; it's a bad model.

More robust window management.

Stop hiding/eliminating configuration options; not everyone has the same needs.

Stop being concerned about branding, and concentrate on being useful and configurable.

154: i want to have more settings options through the gui, not by editing XML.

Easier bug reporting.

Better tools for multimonitor use.

keep up the good work and keep on innovating.

155: - better configuration in Gnome 3 (configure all the things!)
- let evolution start faster

keep on the good work and I hope that you'll give us a nice configuration manager for Gnome 3 from which you can configure everything else (Evolution, the Shell itself (where is what), colors and so on), would be possible via a plug-in based system. Each application still has their own configuration manager, but you can open the system configuration manager and it detects the installed configuration managers and embeds them into one single GUI.

156: 1-better performance
2-endorse only one application per type to create a consistent desktop
3-then fix missing application bits

I still haven't tried G3 so nothing useful to say.
Gnome rocks

157: Desktop changer like it used to be.
Minimsed applications showing up in a tool bar.
Less social media nonsense.

Stop trying to make a touch screen UI. The post PC era is a marketing slogan. Not a reality.

Pre Gnome 3, I was using multiple applications in multiple desktops comfortably, and switching quickly and easily between them. In the months of using Gnome 3, I reverted to single applications in single desktops, because it's annoying having everything show up on screen when I just want the terminal window underneath the browser, or the PDF viewer instead of the IDE.

158: -fix shell-extensions in 3.x
-include a weather extension by default
-gdm of the current 3.2 release fails to log in properly 1/2 the time when selecting users. By selecting not listed and typing in user name and password, it works every time.

-the small tweaks to the shell in 3.2 were wise, everything looks good in that regard.

159: More stability, less hang ups/thrashing in Nautilus when going through a directory full of big png/svg files with Preview on.

160: The 'Windows / Applications' switcher in the activities overview should be at the top of the screen to make it easier to access with a mouse after hitting the hot corner or clicking on the toggle button.

Secondary monitors should darken in overview, and should show the pager for that monitors content on the left side for improved user experience / allow for easy moving of windows on additional monitors.

When starting up, before any windows have been opened the Activities overview should automatically open to allow access to the quick launch sidebar.

161: Bring back 2.X

Ditch GNOME-Shell

162: possibility to have screelets/desklets

Better integration for video /audio player (a la ubuntu)

possibility to customise the dock (dock extension for gnome-shell)

many more extensions like rss feeds please

it would be good to be able to resize easily the icons in Activities.

163: Get rid of pulse
Get rid of GTK3
A real tiling window manager wouldn't hurt

164: Put the user in control!

165: Bring back the GNOME2 style panels + applets.

Stop making things worse, plzkthx. On the bright side, at least GNOME3 isn't as godawful as Unity, so have a cookie. It's a raisin cookie though, not choc-chip - you don't deserve choc-chip.

GNOME2 was compact, featureful and let me see and do what I needed to in a bare minimum of screen. GNOME3 seems determined to hide my computer from me and punish me if I look for it.

166: Lay more focus on GNOME 3 fallback mode.

167: * improve the default theme, less padding, try to make it less ugly
* always show the dock
* min, max, close buttons (i get your workflow, i know how to max a window, but still people expect those buttons).

Implement something like the "lenses" in ubutu

168: Improve:
- multiple monitor support
- multiple user experience (user switching)
- screensaver could be smarter in terms of knowing when full screen apps are running

Don't make it more difficult or more work to use the computer.
Not everything is mobile.
Leave power for users to use their workflow. No, you don't know better.

169: 1. Raise accessibility alongside the top goals of simplicity and usability,
2. aim for those goals more rigorously than currently,
3. communicate how it's being done (i.e. how doing things the way they're done in Gnome contributes to those goals).

I've outsourced my desktop getting to the goals I raised in #22 to the Gnome project, and I believe that Gnome aiming for them will eventually result in the noble "It Just Works" user experience for me and my friends using Gnome. Though it is the best effort currently available to that end, we're not quite there yet.

170: 1) workspace management in GNOME 3

You're awesome! Keep up the good work.

171: 1. Configurability. It was easier to customize Gnome 2.x to fit into my workflow.
2. Performance. Also a way to reduce the animations etc without falling back to 2d completely.
3. Stability. This might be due to using proprietary NVidia drivers, but the screen flickers annoyingly

172: That devs would stop saying user's are stupid and don't hide config options!

173: thanks for your work!

174: bar alignment, notification

175: A light and simple image manipulation program such as pinta;
Improve file copy dialog in a "super copier" way;
Better integration of gnome apps on other desktops such as KDE

Don't waste time/resources on Gnome OS
Merge Gnome Shell/Unity (easy mode)
"Less is more" is true but less than less is dumb

176: 1.The GNOME shell is great, but the fall back to GNOME classic/fallback is ugly and encourages people to call back to a GNOME 2.X desktop, so I would improve GNOME classic/fallback

2. The ATI drivers and GNOME shell don't always get along well (but that's an ATI problem)

3. Something to show new uses how to use it, it is a very different desktop and no everyone will know how to use it.

Upgrade the GNOME fallback/classic mode to behave and look more like GNOME 2.x

But other wise keep up the work with integrating things into the desktop, like how you have Evolution set up and IMing right from the notification.

177: 1) make gnome-shell optional (bring back (fully functional) gnome-panel)
2) create or endorse an extension to expose configuration options that have been hidden over the years
3) better multiple monitor support

178: Get rid of GTK
Completely new design based on Opengl
Stupid Shell

Please, collaborate more with Ubuntu guys, I hate shell (nice look, but usability is horrible)
Make framework for creating APP in JS and HTML (accelerated over GPU)

179: 1. More focus on performance and stability (quicker application startup-times, lower memory footprints and fewer crashes).

2. More focus on bugzapping (there are A LOT of bugs in b.g.o and many that are really old).

3. Tighter integration with distributors that will enable GNOME-apps to work better with firewalls, package management, bug-reporting tools, init-systems, installers and more. Maybe even officially "bless" or certificate distributors that works especially well with GNOME; for example: "use Fedora for a fully enabled GNOME experience".

I would like GNOME to use only one development platform (programming language, library-stack, IDE, build-tools...). This will allow GNOME-developers, users, contributors, bugreportes, translators and the like to focus on one stack. This way investing the time to learn 'develop in GNOME' will make it possible to contribute and debug all apps.

Having support for several languages (JavaScript, Python, C, C++, Vala, C# and Java) does not enable more contributors - in the long run it only adds to fragmenting the efforts people make. Or discourage users to contribute.

The most realistic way would probably be to keep C for the libraries and use a higher-level language (Vala!) for the UI-parts and all core apps.

180: Jesus,
1.) take a good look on what is nice about Gnome2
2.) don't force the use to do things your way, but give him the freedom to do things his way
3.) I want my panels back!

see above, I really really liked Gnome2. I am simply unable to work with Gnome3. I am simply not aware of, nor willing to spend any more time on learning the Gnome3 "Workflow". I am really really uncomfortable with Gnome3

181: 1. Faster search in GNOME Shell ;
2. Software to do video-editing ;
3. Better promotion

I have one main concern about my desktop right now: it's really frustrating to use everyday because of little glitches or malfunctions. Please test your software harder, and make sure it's dummy-proof.

182: Gnome 3.0

- better performance on 2x 1080p @ intel atom 330 + nvidia ION (i know i'm expecting much, but this system runs currently on gnome 2.x which lifecycle has ended and I don't know what to do)

Assuming everything is working corectly:

- single click on virtual desktop to open it

- multitouch gestures (like unity or MacOS)

Gnome is a middlepoint between MacOS and Windows Metro. It has a lot of potential. Currently 3.x is lacking extensions and quality software (especially a quality replacement of iPhoto). Gnome 3.x is developing towards a good direction! Right now it's more useful than MS Windows.

183: I don't feel comfortable with the non-fallback mode of GNOME3 yet, so my responses are targetted at fallback mode:
1) Right click on desktop/panel bars... You should NOT need to hold 'Alt' to bring up a context menu on a panel?!? Right clicking should work on the desktop!
2) Maybe it's just me, but when modifying the colours and transparency on the panels I have trouble getting it to display nicely with the font colours. Especially when it comes to the clock/weather and Applications & Places panel (as font colours appear to be different).
3) I can't believe I need to use this kludgy crap; 'gnome-tweak-tool' to customise GNOME3. How is this an easier option for an end user?

GNOME3 feels like a big step backwards when compared with the last release of GNOME2.

I find myself being more productive when I can quickly glance at a panel that contains a list of applications that I currently have open. Removing this from a DE just makes it unusable for me. With some of the other changes in GNOME3; I may be able to get used to them (hopefully) over time when it matures further.

184: Consistency in GUI design, better support for custom tweaking.

Make dual monitor separate x screen work without crashing the panel.

Set of integrated tools for system management that is basic and doesn't change with every Distribution (Like Synaptic, Terminator, Ubuntu Tweak).

basic set of utilities that make life easier with Gnome.

Thanks for all your hard work, so far so good.

185: Make everything applet based. Remove the accessibility icon by default. Make it easy to theme again.

Release when ready.

186: (In global Stability, I will give 3 example):

* telepathy/empathy is a crashy beast (and part of the GNOME Desktop)

* Sometimes gnome-shell crashes, or hangs

* When viewing video in totem the screen will lock after a while
Note that 1. I had this bug already in Ubuntu releases and reported it. Noone could fix it. Then I switched to Fedora 15 (same mayor totem/gnome version) and the bug was fixed. Now I upgraded to fedora 16 and the bug reappeared.
This seems to be a long-standing problem in gnome/totem, but in my opinion it should be a mayor blocker for any release.

(Note that I'm using a pre-built of Fedora 16, so I've used the gnome 3.2 beta for a while, also fedora itself is sometimes the guilty one)

187: 1. Allow (easy) panel customization with applets

2. Make the "systray" and notifications less intrusive when I need to do something at the bottom of the screen

3. Allow customization of how and where windows open. For example, I would like have windows opened in the center of the workspace rather than "smartly" (i.e., randomly) all over the screen. Another example is that if I have only Firefox open on workspace 1 and restart it everything from workspace 2 moves to 1 and Firefox opens on workspace 2. Very confusing.

Please allow for more easy user customization on desktops. I very much like the Activities overlay. But everything else, from no panel customization to having to install an "advanced" tweak tool just to change the fonts(!), keeps me from adopting GNOME 3 full time.

I am not a developer, so in my eyes when many things are broken (Gedit plugins especially) and many very old bugs are not addressed (Nautilus still drives me nuts...I can't even see the full path of long file names in the properties window let alone change a symlink path easily) I just stop using it and move to another free software solution.

Sure, GNOME Shell is neat, but with little user-facing improvement in the core GNOME applications and what seems to be a regression in functionality of many, many things I am confused as an end-user what the GNOME Foundation is actually trying to do.

188: 1) Option for feature complete Gnome 2.3 style shell in 3.2.
2) Include more complete options to customise the 3.2 UI.
3) Introduce an efficient new shell aimed at desktop users, ie. your core users, rather than aimed at imaginary tablet userbase.

Branch Gnome Shell/Gnome 3 for desktop users, in its current form it is a disaster in terms of real world productivity on workstations.

189: hover on tray icon currently doesn't have much information, like nm-applet

190: 1. Allow users to configure their desktop easily without having to use gconf-editor.

2. Put configuration options back into the GUI, I like being able to configure things the way I want.

3. Is the multi-monitor issue in gnome shell fixed?

(I know the two first ones are essentially the same, but it is what's really bothering me, and it's the main reason I recently switched from gnome to xfce)

First of all, I'd like to say that GNOME is one of the better desktop environments. Or at least it used to be.

For each new release of GNOME, you have removed another set of configuration options from the GUI. This is not the way to go. You're basically telling advanced/experienced users to go elsewhere.

Try to be more USER-friendly instead of newbie-friendly (there's a major difference here, and you seem to be aiming at being newbie-friendly).

A good example is the battery indicator. It used to show the percentage remaining, but in 2.8 (or even earlier?) it would only show the time left (used to be configurable).

I like knowing the remaining battery percentage, as I limit it between 40-80% when I don't plan to use it without the AC adapter (to extend the battery's lifetime), and so I have to look at it every now and then to plan ahead.

When only the time left is shown, I have no idea whether the battery is at 80% or 100%, as that it'll just say 'fully charged'. The estimate is also way too often very wrong, and thus useless.

Please don't dumb things down, the end-result is not always as good as the initial thought might have been.

191: Bugzilla, Documentation, Window decorator.

192: 1. Everything should be tweak-able via a GUI interface. No hacking through XML files, gconf-editor or the sorts.

2. Even if we are forced to wade through gconf-editor, make sure that all configuration items and their expected values be properly documented so we know what to search for and how to tweak it.

3. None

193: 1. Have GNOME 3.x have an optional Window List (default on GNOME 2.x)
2. Have GNOME 3.x come with more end-user configuration tools, like a theme editor for example
3. Have GNOME 3.x not have such ridiculously high title bars...

It looks like documentation for using GNOME and for application development on GNOME are available, and I can find those. I would suggest giving more attention to making documentation available for customizing the GNOME 3.x experience. Like theme editor, etc.

Thanks for all the years of work! I tried various DEs but GNOME is always on my main machine. I'm sticking to 2.x until the 3.x becomes more easily customizable to my workflow.

194: 1. Improved advanced configuration editors.
2. More advanced ways to chose and personalize themes and colors.
3. Easier way to configure the security policies. For example in the legitimate dialog the possibility to chose "for this session".

Stop the Gnome-Shell vs. Unity war! PLEASE!

195: - easier customization options
- better/easier-to-use GDM with GNOME 3.x
- integration options with non-gnome applications

Gnome 3 is consistently improving. Good work with GNOME 3.2!!!!

196: window manager

197: Bring back full gnome 2 functionality to fallback session. Gnome 3 doesn't work for me.

198: I would allow much more customisation as per Gnome 2.x. For example I am frustrated by the lack of a power off option in the "me" menu. I don't like the fact that I have to hold ALT to access this option.
Also I would also prefer to switch off the dynamic workspaces and set my own workspaces. I used to use four workspaces in a horizontal configuration, which I found very usable. Now I barely use multiple workspaces because I consciously have to create them and even then they are vertical, which I haven't been able to get used to yet.
Another point is window transparency. I used to use consoles with a semi-transparent background so that I could see text through them if I was reading instructions and typing commands. Now I don't use transparent consoles at all because of the Gnome window manager not being able to display then due to drop shadow etc.
Fixed sized windows are a pain on my netbook. For example I cannot access some options on programs like Disk Utility because they go off screen and I can't resize the window to make them fit. A scroll bar would fix the problem, but there isn't one.

I really like the Activities overlay. I also like the general feel of the desktop, i.e. the black top bar and the system tray icons. I really like that the system tray stays uncluttered and that applications get their own hidden application tray down at the bottom. It feels like there's always lots of space to see things.
As I have mentioned above I don't like the way workspaces are handled. I also don't like that there is a Desktop folder in my home directory, but that things within it are not displayed on the Desktop. Either get rid of the folder, or display items on the Desktop. Other than that I really like the way things are moving.

199: more hiding like global menu etc tha unity does

200: Remove recent dependencies on pulse audio

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