Running Intel's Clear Linux On AMD EPYC Rome? Still Significant Performance Uplift Over Ubuntu

Written by Michael Larabel in Operating Systems on 5 September 2019 at 12:00 PM EDT. Page 2 of 6. 19 Comments.
Ubuntu Linux vs. Clear Linux - AMD EPYC 7742 2P
Ubuntu Linux vs. Clear Linux - AMD EPYC 7742 2P
Ubuntu Linux vs. Clear Linux - AMD EPYC 7742 2P
Ubuntu Linux vs. Clear Linux - AMD EPYC 7742 2P

Right out of the gate Intel's Clear Linux was picking up wins over Ubuntu on this AMD EPYC Rome server. Some of the wins though aren't by the magnitude we see on Intel hardware due to Clear's extensive AVX optimizations and other tuning for Intel microarchitectures.

Ubuntu Linux vs. Clear Linux - AMD EPYC 7742 2P
Ubuntu Linux vs. Clear Linux - AMD EPYC 7742 2P
Ubuntu Linux vs. Clear Linux - AMD EPYC 7742 2P
Ubuntu Linux vs. Clear Linux - AMD EPYC 7742 2P
Ubuntu Linux vs. Clear Linux - AMD EPYC 7742 2P
Ubuntu Linux vs. Clear Linux - AMD EPYC 7742 2P

There were also some losses or cases of Clear Linux just tieing with Ubuntu 19.04/19.10, but generally was standing well on this AMD EPYC 7742 2P server.

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