15-Way Linux Distribution / Operating System Comparison, Including Windows 10 & WSL

Written by Michael Larabel in Operating Systems on 31 May 2018 at 11:00 AM EDT. Page 6 of 8. 24 Comments.

When it came to the PostgreSQL database server performance, Fedora Workstation 28 was in first but by incredibly slim margins for most of the Linux distributions tested. Obviously the Windows Subsystem for Linux tests were in last given the heavy I/O usage.

With the Python PyBench test case Clear Linux was the fastest while Windows 10 and Ubuntu/Debian WSL were performing right in line with the other Linux distributions but Sabayon and openSUSE were noticeably slower than the others.

In the PHP language performance, Clear Linux was significantly faster than the other Linux distributions' packaged PHP support. PHP on Windows tended to be on the slow side while PHP on the WSL distributions managed to come out faster than the native PHP Windows performance.

The time needed to carry out some basic Git commands was the fastest on the Linux distributions while under Windows there is more of a performance hit.

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