2008 Linux Graphics Survey Results

Written by Michael Larabel in Display Drivers on 22 December 2008 at 08:42 AM EST. Page 5 of 6. 33 Comments.

Compiz and Compiz Fusion continue to garner interest among Linux desktop users and our eighth survey question reaffirms this adoption. Compiz / Compiz Fusion is used by approximately 43% of those that responded while using KWin as a compositing manager was used by just about 16%. 36% of those asked didn't use a compositing manager.

As a question with many possible answers, we asked users what are their key interests in Linux video drivers. The responses were evenly distributed, but OpenGL performance was the most significant interest followed by video playback / acceleration and then its license (whether it's open-source or not). Other popular interests were image quality, 2D performance, ease of installation / maintenance, stability, and suspend / hibernate support. The least sought after were other display-related features and Multi-GPU support like CrossFire and Scalable Link Interface.

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